Page 34 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 34

The 39th SADC Summit held in August 2019
                                                                                   approved a proposal to honour the late Julius
                                                                                   Kambarage Nyerere, founding President of the
                                                                                   United Republic of Tanzania and Chair of the
                                                                                   Frontline States, through adopting KiSwahili “as
                                                                                   the Fourth SADC Official Working Language”.

        The SADC Secretariat and the
        Africa Risk Capacity (ARC)
        signed a Memorandum of
        Understanding on 3 October
        2019 which lays the foundation
        for collaboration on matters of
        common interest related to
        disaster risk and financing for
        disaster management. The MoU
        was signed by the SADC
        Executive Secretary, Dr
        Stergomena Lawrence Tax
        (right) and the ARC Director
        General, Mohamed Beavogui.

                                                                     Hon. Judge Sanji Mmasenono Monageng (left) from Botswana was  31
                                                                     on 7 October 2019 sworn-in as the Judge of the SADC
                                                                     Administrative Tribunal (SADCAT), an independent institution of
        THE YEAR 2019/20 was a sad period for SADC as two of its former leaders  SADC established to resolve labour disputes between the SADC
        passed on – the founding President of Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, and  Secretariat or any of its institutions, as an employer. The ceremony
        the third President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Benjamin William  was administered by the SADCAT President, Hon. Justice Francis
        Mkapa.  Mugabe  and  Mkapa  were  both  active  in  advancing  the  SADC  Bere (right).
        integration agenda.

                                                                                On 1 April 1980, the leaders of nine independent
         When President Robert Mugabe was the SADC Chairperson from August 2014 to August 2015, the region  countries in southern African met in Lusaka, Zam-
         developed and adopted a strategy to promote industrialization. Mugabe died on 6 September 2019. The picture  bia and signed the Lusaka Declaration, Southern
         at right shows a younger Mugabe addressing a press conference. Mugabe led Zimbabwe from 1980 to 2017.  Africa: Toward Economic Liberation, in which they
                                                                                agreed to establish a Southern African Develop-
                                                                                ment Coordination Conference (SADCC), which
                                                                                was later transformed into a full regional economic
                                                                                community, the Southern African Development
                                                                                Community (SADC). They agreed to “work har-
                                                                                moniously to integrate their economies” and grad-
                                                                                ually to reduce their dependence, particularly, but
                                                                                not only, on apartheid South Africa. The document

                                                                                “The only guarantee for the success of this initia-
        President Benjamin Mkapa (shown at right in both pictures) was chair of SADC between August 2003 and August  tive is the efforts of the people and the govern-
        2004, a period in which SADC launched its regional development plan. Mkapa passed away on 23 July 2020. In the  ments of the region.” ❒
        picture at right, Mkapa, then Foreign Minister is seen with the founding President of Tanzania, the late Julius K.
        Nyerere. Mkapa led Tanzania from 1995 to 2005.
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