Page 99 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 99


                            The 25thmeeting of the Regional Adjudication Committee on the SADC Media Awards was held via video
                            conference on 17 June 2020.  It was attended by adjudicators from 10 SADC Member States -- Angola,
                            Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia
                            and Zimbabwe.
                               Launched in 1996, the main objective of the annual SADC Media Awards is to promote regional inte-
                            gration through information dissemination as well as to promote journalism excellence in the region.
                            The outgoing SADC Chairperson, President Dr John Pombe Joseph Magufuli of the United Republic of
                            Tanzania, will announce the award winners during the 40th summit of SADC Heads of State and Govern-
                            ment to be held in Maputo, Mozambique on 17 August 2020 in the categories of print, radio, television and
                            photo journalism.
                               The 2020 SADC Media Award winners will receive total prize money of US$3,500 per category. The
                            first prize winners in each category will receive US$2,500. The runners-up will each receive US$1,000
                            through their National Contact Points in their respective countries.

                           PRINT JOURNALISM CATEGORY                      TELEVISION JOURNALISM CATEGORY
                            Mr Prosper Ndlovu from Zimbabwe won the       Mr Ananiya Alick Ponje from Malawi won
                           Print Category for his article on the power    the award for the Television Category for
                           supply gap within the SADC region and how      his entry on how Mozambicans who left
     96                    this impacted negatively on productive sectors  their country because of civil disorder were
                           of Member States.                              welcomed in Malawi.

              Mr Bento Venâncio Cuna from Mozambique        Ms Pennipher Vida Sikainda-Nyirenda from
              is runner-up for his entry which highlighted  Zambia  is  runner-up  for  her  entry  titled
              the need for investment in infrastructure for  “SADC Seed Bank – The Silent Catalyst to
              water collection and storage in the SADC re-  Food Security”, which highlighted how Gene
              gion, especially after Cyclone Idai, which af-  Banks work and contribute to food security.
              fected Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

                          RADIO JOURNALISM CATEGORY                       PHOTO JOURNALISM CATEGORY
                          Mr. Aristides Kito Afonso Jorge from Angola     Mr.  Godfrey  Goitsemang  Mpuse  from
                          won the Radio Category for his entry which      Botswana won the first prize for his photo
                          highlighted how Cuito Cuanavale in Angola, as   entry on Botswana’s support to Mozam-
                          a world heritage site, can promote SADC re-     bique following Cyclone be the best
                          gional integration and development.             among all entries.

                           Mr Mosotho Stone from South Africa is            Mr Santos Makuntima Pedro from An-
                           runner-up for his entry on the elections that    gola is runner-up for his entry on the
                           were held in eight SADC Member States in         commemoration of the Southern Africa
                           2019. The entry analysed the electoral sys-      Liberation Day.
                           tems that were used to run elections.
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