Page 98 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 98

41 st  SADC SUMMIT  , MALA  WI 20  2 1
                                                               PUBLICA  T
                                   If you choose only onne publication to support your reccovery or announce your achievemments in these
                                   difficult times, it shoould be this one. The SADC Summit publication offers you the wholee of southern
                                   Africa, a regional maarket of 350 million people, and reeaches top decision-makers throughout the 16
                                   Member States of thee Southern African Development CCommunity (SADC).

                                   This is produced by t the Southern African Research an nd Documentation Centre (SARDC C), which has
                           Pro omoting
                           Infras Promoti  published a quality p publication for each SADC Summit t since 20 14. These publications co ontinue to be
                           an and In astructur
                           d Y Y
                           fo a Yo outh as rastru ture
                           st outh  mpowerment
                            e Developme ent
                            re Developmen
                                   used as a reference so ource which you can access online e through the SADC website at  ww  or
                            De De Empowerment
                            able Develo
                           fo fo for Sustainable Development
                          th t 38 3 h
                                   the SARDC website a wwwt
                         Nami mibia, 17-18 ugust 20 it
                         A SADC S Summit
                          Aug gst 2018
                                   The SADC Secretariatt has requested SARDC to produce the annual publication for the next Summit of
                                   SADC Heads of State and Government to be hosted by M Malawi in August 20  12   as an acce essible update
                                   on regional integratioon and industrialisation.
                        w ww w.sad
                         .sadc t
                                   Direct circulation reacches Heads of State and Government, key ministers (foreign affairs, planning, trade
                                   and industry) and sennior officials as well as private secttor and public Advertorial and adveertising space
                                   and industry), and sen nior officials, as well as private secttor and public. Advertorial and adve ertising space
                                   is available to reach t this target group in a double page, full-page or half-page.
                                   Y our support is needed for this important initiative to share current developments in SADC and highlight
                                   the  benefits  and  op pportunities  of  regional  integrattion  in  southern  Africa,  while  profiling  your
                                   organisation/company in this regional market of more tthan 350 million people .


                                          Please conta                ariro o Sasa at SARDC

                                                               Maidei Musimwa and T

                                                                              el     +263 242 79T

                                                                               41 1  1, +26 63 8677 004930

                                                                             Email  mmusimwa@sardc.nnet;

                                                            Julius K Nyerere House
                                                          15 Downie Avenue, Belgravia,
                                                             Harare, Zimbabwe
                                                           W ebsite  www
                                                          Knowledge for Development
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