Page 95 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 95

Nations Convention against Transnational
                                                                    Organised  Crime  and  its  supplementing
                                                                    protocol on traf  cking in persons.
                                                                 ❖ All countries in the region have constitu-
                                                                    tional provisions towards gender equality.
                                                                 ❖ All  SADC  Member  States  have  national
                                                                    gender  policies  or  strategies  and  action
                                                                    plans in place.
                                                                 ❖ T irteen  Member  States  have  established
                                                                    Ministries  Responsible  for  Gender  or
                                                                    Women’s Af airs that ensure enforcement of
                                                                    the  empowerment  of  women  and  gender
                                                                    equality commitments.
                                                                 ❖ T e participation of women in politics and
                                                                    decision-making  has  improved  signif -
                                                                    cantly, however progress has been inconsis-
                                                                    tent across the region.
                                                                 ❖ Capacity-building on gender mainstream-
                                                                    ing has been conducted for Member States
                                                                    targeting Gender Focal Persons and the Re-
                                                                    gional Women Parliamentary Caucus of the
                                                                    SADC-PF, including provision of key tools
                                                                    such as the 2008 Gender Mainstreaming
                                                                    Resource Kit and the Regional Gender Re-
                                                                    sponsive Budgeting Guidelines.
                                                                 ❖ Every year, progress on achievements, les-
                                                                    sons and challenges on the gender parity
      92                                                            target and other gender equality indicators
                                                                    is monitored and reviewed regularly, result-
                                                                    ing in the production of the SADC Gender
                                                                    and Development Monitor at two-year in-
                                                                 ❖ T e Regional Multi-Dimensional Women’s
                                                                    Economic  Empowerment  Programme
                                                                    (2018 – 2030) was developed to promote
                                                                    the economic empowerment of women and
                                                                    gender-responsive development.
                                                                 ❖ SADC developed the Strategic Plan of Ac-
                                                                    tion on combatting Traf  cking in Persons,
                                                                    especially  Women  and  Children  (2009-
                                                                    2019). Fourteen Member States have devel-
                                                                    oped  TIP  legislation,  and  a  regional
                                                                    database is operational.
                                                                 ❖ All Member States have legislation or re-
                                                                    lated instruments necessary for combatting
                                                                 ❖ T e SADC Regional Strategy and Frame-
                                                                    work of Action on Addressing GBV (2018-
                                                                    2030)  was  developed  to  guide  the
                                                                    coordinated response to GBV in the region.
                                                                    A Regional Comprehensive Gender Based
                                                                    Violence Study was conducted to provide
                                                                    baseline  data  for  implementation  of  the
                                                                 ❖ T e  SADC  Women,  Peace  and  Security
                                                                    Strategy (2018-2022) has been developed
                                                                    for implementation.
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