Page 94 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 94

prevention interventions that have proved
                  ef ective were shared with participants to
                  strengthen the regional GBV prevention ef-
                  forts. T e conference provided a platform
                  for dissemination of the SADC GBV Strat-
                  egy to partners and other stakeholders. Ef-
                  fective  practices  from  Botswana,  the
                  Democratic  Republic  of  Congo,  Lesotho
                  and Zimbabwe on prevention and response
                  to GBV were presented.

                  (iii) Mapping of Regional GBV Partners
                  Regional partners’ support and commit-
                  ment to the GBV response in the SADC re-
                  gion  was  mapped  through  a  regional
                  consultative meeting with strategic partners
                  such as UN Women, UNAIDS, UNESCO,
                  UNFPA, UNODC, GIZ, EU, Sonke Gender    T e Director of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Af airs at the
                  Justice, OHCHR, SAfAIDS, SADC-PF and   SADC Secretariat Mr Jorge Cardoso(right), with the Head of Delegation of
                  Gender Links. T is platform served to pop-  the European Union to Botswana and SADC, His Excellency Ambassador
                                                         Jan Sadek (lef ) during the launch of the Support to Peace and Security in
                  ularize the Regional GBV Strategy to pro-  the SADC Region (SPSS) Programme.
                  mote  its  coordinated  and  ef ective
                  implementation across the region and the
                  alignment of the partners’ actions to the  (v) Women, Peace and Security Strategy
                  strategy. T e mapping exercise showed that  Resources have been mobilised from the
                  partners are active in response to GBV in  European  Union  under  its  SPSS  Pro-
                  the SADC region and that all Member States  gramme to support implementation of the
                  have a number of partners actively provid-  SADC Regional Strategy on GBV. Member
                  ing technical and f nancial support for GBV  States will be supported in the develop-          91
                  programmes and projects. T rough this en-  ment of national action plans on women,
                  gagement, the partners further committed  peace and security. tion and for supporting
                  to working with the SADC Secretariat and  rural livelihoods.
                  to supporting Member States in line with
                  the Regional GBV Strategy.
                                                         SADC @ 40 – GENDER HIGHLIGHTS
                  (iv)  European Union support for GBV
                  Programming                            SADC has made signif cant progress to-
                  Implementation  of  the  SADC  Regional  wards the achievement of gender equality
                  GBV Strategy continued with the support of  and empowerment of women and girls, in-
                  the  European  Union,  through  the  Pro-  cluding key achievements as follows.
                  gramme for Support to Peace and Security  ❖ T e SADC Gender Policy was adopted
                  in the SADC Region (SPSS). Various GBV    by the Council of Ministers in 2007.
                  tools are being developed to guide national  ❖ T e SADC Protocol on Gender and De-
                  ef orts, including the Regional Sexual and  velopment was signed in 2008, and 14
                  Gender Based Violence Training Guidelines  Member States are party to this Proto-
                  to strengthen the capacity of frontline of  -  col. T e Protocol was revised in 2016 to
                  cers (especially law enforcement of  cers);  align it to the latest gender instruments,
                  the regional guideline for GBV Standard   including the 2030 Sustainable Devel-
                  Operating Procedures and referral mecha-  opment  Agenda.  Only  12  Member
                  nisms  to  support  operationalization  of  a  States have so far signed the Agreement
                  multi-sectoral coordination of the GBV re-  Amending the SADC Protocol on Gen-
                  sponse at national level; and a Regional In-  der and Development.
                  ventory of GBV legislation that will assess  ❖ All Member States are parties to the UN
                  laws  and  policies  to  identify  areas  for  Convention on the Elimination of all
                  strengthening by Member States.           Forms  of  Discrimination  against
                                                            Women (CEDAW), and to the United
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