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3.4  SADC Secretariat Leadership
               The SADC Executive Secretary is assisted by the Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration (DES-
               RI) and the Deputy Executive Secretary for Corporate Affairs (DES-CA).

               3.4.1 Responsibilities of the Executive Secretary
               Article 15 of the SADC Treaty states that the Executive Secretary is responsible to the Council of Ministers to:
                 ❖ Consult and coordinate with Governments and other institutions of Member States;
                 ❖ Undertake measures aimed at promoting the objectives of SADC and enhance its performance;
                 ❖ Promote cooperation with other organisations for the furtherance of the objectives of SADC;
                 ❖ Organise and service Summit, Council, Standing Committee and other meetings convened on the
                    direction of the Summit or the Council;
                 ❖ Act as the custodian of the property of SADC;
                 ❖ Appoint the staff of the Secretariat in accordance with procedures and under Terms and Conditions
                    of Service determined by the Council;
                 ❖ Oversee the administration and finances of the Secretariat;
                 ❖ Prepare annual reports on the activities of SADC and its institutions;
                 ❖ Prepare the budget and audited accounts of the Secretariat for submission to the Council;
                 ❖ Undertake diplomatic and other representations of SADC;
                 ❖ Undertake public relations and promotion of SADC; and,
                 ❖ Carry out such other functions as may, from time to time, be determined by the Summit and Council.
                          The Executive Secretary works in liaison with other institutions in guiding, supporting and moni-
               toring the performance of SADC in various sectors to ensure conformity and harmony with agreed policies,
               strategies, programmes and projects.
               3.4.2 Responsibilities of DES – Regional Integration
               The Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration (DES-RI) assists the Executive Secretary and is
               responsible for Directorates and Units that address SADC’s Regional Integration themes through their pro-
               grammes. The DES-RI is responsible for the following Directorates and Unit:
                 ❖ Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs                                             93
                 ❖ Directorate of Industrial Development and Trade
                 ❖ Directorate of Infrastructure, which is responsible for improving the quality of infrastructure in the region,
                    through infrastructure rehabilitation and modernisation; improving access to basic infrastructure;
                    increasing trade and maximising regional competitiveness;
                 ❖ Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, which is responsible for ensuring food
                    availability, access, safety and nutritional value; disaster preparedness for food security; equitable and
                    sustainable use of the environment and natural resources; and strengthening institutional framework
                    and capacity building;
                 ❖ Directorate of Social and Human Development, which supports the development of SADC’s human
                    capital to its fullest potential as an essential step towards tackling the socio-economic challenges facing
                    the region;
                 ❖ Directorate of Policy, Planning and Resource Mobilisation, which coordinates all the planning, policy
                    development and monitoring and evaluation; and,
                 ❖ Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, which coordinates disaster risk management activities and programmes
                    within the SADC region.

               3.4.3 Responsibilities of DES – Corporate Affairs
               The Deputy Executive Secretary for Corporate Affairs (DES-CA) assists the Executive Secretary and is respon-
               sible for administrative elements of the SADC Secretariat. The DES-CA is responsible for the following Direc-
               torates and Units:
                 ❖ Directorate of Budget and Finance, which provides financial administration and risk management
                    services to the operations of the Secretariat;
                 ❖ Directorate  of  Human  Resources  and  Administration,  which  supports  the  operations  of  the
                    Secretariat through the management of human resources, procurement of goods and services, and
                    management of physical assets;
                 ❖ Conference Services Unit, which provides support to SADC Policy and other meetings in terms of
                    documentation, translation, interpretation services, conference facilities and scheduling of meetings;
                 ❖ Procurement Unit, which is responsible for all aspects of procurement within the Secretariat through
                    the administration of tender processes and ensuring adherence to the SADC Procurement Policy
                    and all supporting documents; and
                 ❖ Information Communication Technology (ICT) Unit, which guides the adoption of ICT within
                    SADC and supports the implementation of the technological aspects of the RISDP.
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