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3.4.4  SADC Executive Secretaries and Deputies
                                The Executive Secretaries and Deputy Executive Secretaries who have led the SADC
                                Secretariat since its formation in 1980 are shown in the Table 3.4 with profiles below.

                           SADC Executive Secretaries and Deputies                              Table 3.5

                               ExecutiveSecretary                                           Term                      Country
                               Ambassador Frederick Arthur Blumeris           1982­1984               Zimbabwe
                               Dr. Simba Makoni                                                    1984­1993               Zimbabwe
                               Dr. Kaire Mbuende                                                  1993­1999               Namibia
                               Dr. Prega Ramsamy*                                              2001­2005               Mauritius
                               Dr. Tomaz Augusto Salomão                               2005­2013               Mozambique
                               Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax                            2013­ 2021               United Republic of Tanzania

                               Deputy Executive Secretary

                               Mr. Lengolo Bureng Monyake                            1994­1998               Lesotho
                               Ambassador Albert M. Muchanga                     2001­2005               Zambia
                               Eng. João Samuel Caholo                                     2005­2013               Angola
                               Ms. Emilie Ayaza Mushobekwa                           2010­ 2018               Democratic Republic of Congo
                               Dr. Thembinkosi Mhlongo                                    2013­2021                South Africa
                               Ambassador Joseph Nourrice                             2018­2022                Seychelles
                           * Dr. Prega Ramsamy was Acting Executive Secretary from January 2000 to March 2001

                                AMBASSADOR FREDERICK ARTHUR BLUMERIS
                                Ambassador Frederick  Arthur Blumeris was the first Executive Secretary of SADCC and
                                served from October 1982 to March 1984. Prior to his appointment, he was Zimbabwe’s
                                Ambassador to the then European Economic Community. His contribution was important
                                during the formative years of the organization in establishing the initial SADCC structures
                                for the Secretariat although he served for only a short period before falling ill, and he was
                                widely respected by governments, colleagues and partners.

                                DR SIMBA MAKONI
                                Dr. Simba Makoni was appointed SADC Executive Secretary in July 1984 and served until
                                December 1993. Dr. Makoni was in charge of the Secretariat through the remaining years
                                of SADCC and during the transformation from a Coordination Conference into a Com-
                                munity in 1992 when SADC leaders signed the Windhoek Declaration and the new SADC
                                Treaty, as well as a Protocol committing Member States to deeper and more formal coop-
                                eration and integration. He steered SADCC through the turbulent years of apartheid de-
                                stabilisation of the region, and through the attainment of independence in Namibia,
                                leaving just prior to change in South Africa. He coordinated the period of a decentralised
                                structure when individual Member States had regional responsibilities by sector, and he
                                commemorated the 10th anniversary in 1990 by relocating the Secretariat from scattered
                                offices into the first headquarters, the former SADCC House, a building owned by the
                                Government of Botswana. Before joining SADC, Dr. Makoni was Minister of Industry
                                and Energy Development in Zimbabwe.

                                Dr Kaire Mbuende
                                Dr. Kaire Mbuende was Executive Secretary from January 1994 to the end of 1999. He
                                was at the helm of the Secretariat during the crucial period in the history of SADC when
                                South Africa joined the organisation, as well as Mauritius, Seychelles and DRC, and new
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