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SADC Legal Instruments        2000

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol on Tribunal and  Outlines the rules of procedure for the SADC Tribunal as well as its  07.08.00  14.08.01
                     the Rules of Procedure  functions, composition and jurisdiction
                     Protocol on Legal Affairs  Ensures that there is common interpretation and implementation of  07.08.00  09.01.06
                                       legal matters relating to the SADC Treaty, protocols and subsidiary
                                       legal instruments

                     Revised Protocol on  Upon entry into force, this repeals and replaces the Protocol on  07.08.00  22.09.03
                     Shared Watercourses   Shared Watercourse Systems signed in 1995 that entered into force
                                       on 29 September 1998
                     Agreement for     Agreement by the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and  03.11.2000  03.11.2000
                     Establishment of the  South Africa signed in Windhoek, Namibia provides a forum for
                     Orange-Senqu      coordination and  development in the basin through integrated
                     Commission        water resources management, In line with the Revised Protocol on
                                       Shared Watercourses

                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments          2001

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Declaration on the  An undertaking by the region to address the challenge of the illicit  09.03.01  09.03.01
                     control of Firearms,  manufacturing, stockpiling of, trafficking in, possession and use of
                     Ammunition and Other  firearms
                     Related Materials
                     Protocol on Politics,  Establishes the objectives of the Organ on Politics, Defence and  14.08.01  02.03.04
                     Defence and Security  Security, its operating structure and the guidelines for the Organ’s
                     Cooperation       jurisdiction, methods and procedures, and relationship with
                                       international agreements and other regions
                     Protocol on the Control  Guides regional cooperation on the prevention and eradication of  14.08.01  08.11.04
                     of Firearms, Ammunition  the illicit manufacturing, stockpiling of, trafficking in, possession and
                     and Other Related  use of firearms
                     Materials in SADC

                     Protocol on Fisheries  Guides regional cooperation on the harmonisation and  14.08.01  08.08.03
                                       implementation of legislation on fisheries and the sustainable
                                       management and protection of shared aquatic resources
                     Protocol on Culture,  Outlines the cooperation in the region in the areas of cultural  14.08.01  07.01.06
                     Information and Sport  exchanges, information sharing and sporting activities
                     Protocol Against  Aims to promote and strengthen the development of mechanisms to  14.08.01  06.07.05
                     Corruption        prevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption in the public and
                                       private sectors of the region as well as to facilitate and regulate
                                       cooperation in matters of corruption among Member States
                     Declaration on    SADC recognises the role of ICT in economic development  14.08.01  14.08.01
                     Information and
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