Page 93 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 93

economic  empowerment  of   strategy  and  promote  implementation  by
                                        women and gender-responsive   Member States, regional partners and stake-
                                      development to contribute to so-  holders. T e following actions were under-
                                     cial inclusion and justice. T is pro-  taken to strengthen and promote use of the
                                   vides  a  guide  to  the  region  in  strategy.
                                  reviewing,  amending  and  developing
                                      laws that provide for equal access to  (i)  Consultation with the SADC
                                         wage  employment,  decent    Parliamentary Forum
                                         work and social protection, all  T e SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC
                                        of  which  are  fundamental  to  PF) sensitised women parliamentarians in
                                       promoting  socio-economic  em-  SADC on the SADC GBV Strategy and the
                                     powerment  in  line  with  the  39th  status of GBV in the region to inform their
                                    SADC  Summit  theme  –  “A  Con-  advocacy ef orts at national level. T e par-
                                   ducive Environment for Inclusive and  liamentarians were consulted on legislative
                                   Sustainable Industrial Development,  responses to GBV in the SADC region and
                                       Increased  Intra-Regional  Trade  they endorsed the development of a Model
                                         and Job Creation”. T e SADC  Law on GBV for SADC. T is model law is
                                        Secretariat mobilized resources  intended to guide national domestication of
                                       of €2 million from the German  international  and  regional  GBV  instru-
                                      Technical Cooperation (GIZ) to fa-  ments and principles. T e process of devel-
                                    cilitate the implementation of this  oping the GBV Model Law will continue in
                                   programme and accelerate the benef ts  2020/21 under the facilitation of the SADC-
                                  of regional integration and industrializa-  PF with support from the SADC Secretariat.
                                tion among women and men. T e fund-
                               ing  will  support  implementation  of  a  (ii) Regional Conference on Prevention
                               project on Industrialization and Women’s  of Violence against Women and Girls
                               Economic Empowerment from 2020-2022    T e Secretariat collaborated with GIZ and
                               to  increase  the  participation  of  women-  other partners to host a Regional Confer-
      90                       owned  businesses  and  women  entrepre-  ence  on  Prevention  of  Violence  Against
                               neurs in value addition for selected sectors.   Women in Southern Africa. T e conference
                                                                      was attended by about 200 participants, in-
                                                                      cluding  representatives  from  all  SADC
                               2. Gender Based Violence               Member  States,  media,  and  key  regional
                                                                      partners and stakeholders. T e conference
                               Regional Strategy and Framework of Ac-  encouraged  evidence-based  responses  to
                               tion for Addressing GBV                GBV and the prevention of violence against
                               Gender Based Violence continues to be a  women and girls. Key strategies on GBV
                               challenge for the SADC region in ef orts to-
                               wards achieving gender equality and promot-
                               ing peace and security within the regional
                               integration agenda. Women and girls are dis-
                               proportionately af ected. In 2019 the SADC
                               region joined the rest of Africa in reviewing
                               progress af er 25 years of implementing the
                               Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
                               Violence against women and girls was one of
                               the areas reviewed. T e review showed that
                               there is an increase in advocacy on the elim-
                               ination of violence against women and girls
                               across the continent, but the critical challenge
                               of violence against women and girls remains.
                                      T e SADC Regional Strategy and Frame-
                               work of Action for Addressing Gender Based
                               Violence  (2018-2030)  addresses  key  pro-
                               gramming areas on GBV to inform national
                               responses. In T e SADC Secretariat intensi-  Dr Joseph Pitso, Head of SADC Gender Unit speaking during
                               f ed ef orts in 2019/20 the to increase knowl-  the Regional Conference on Prevention of Violence against
                               edge  and  understanding  of  the  regional  Women and Girls held in December 2019
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