Page 48 - 41st Summit Brochure
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               RISDP 2020-2030

               The  RISDP  2020–2030  is  a  comprehensive  10-year
               Th e    RIS D P   2020–2030   i s    a    c o m p r e h e n s i v e    1 0 - y e a r
               development plan that shows how SADC can advance
               development plan that shows how SADC can advance
               toward its Vision 2050 over the next decade.
                      The SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development
               Plan  (RISDP)  2020-2030  is  the  first  phase  of  an
               implementation framework for the SADC Vision 2050,
               which envisages “a peaceful, inclusive, competitive, middle-
               to high-income industrialised region, where all citizens enjoy  increase value-addition in selected priority sectors, including
               sustainable economic well-being, justice, and freedom.”   agro-processing, mineral beneficiation, and pharmaceuticals
                      This  Vision  2050  is  grounded  in  SADC’s  original  in the short to medium term. In the long term, the objective
               Vision  of  “a  common  future,  a  future  in  a  regional  was  to  increase  the  region’s  manufacturing  capacity,
               community  that  will  ensure  economic  wellbeing,  competitiveness, and capacity to trade and hence achieve
               improvement of the standards of living and quality of life,  sustainable economic transformation.
               freedom and social justice and peace and security for the         Informed  by  the  achievements  and  lessons  of  the
               peoples of Southern Africa.”                 previous  strategy,  the  RISDP  2020–2030  sets  out  a
                      The aspirations enunciated in the SADC Vision 2050 are  comprehensive 10-year development agenda.
               also aligned to key global and continental frameworks such         In a departure from past practice, the RISDP 2020–2030
               as the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable  brings together issues previously presented separately under
               Development and the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063 –  the Revised RISDP and the Strategic Indicative Plan for the
               The Africa We Want.                          Organ  on  Politics,  Defence,  and  Security  Cooperation
                      The RISDP 2020-2030 was adopted by the 40th SADC  (SIPO).
               Summit of Heads of State and Government hosted virtually         The inclusion of peace, security, and governance matters
               by  Mozambique  in  August  2020  and  is  the  result  of  a  in the RISDP 2020–2030 is an innovation that recognises
               comprehensive consultative process aimed at advancing  their foundational importance to ensuring the necessary
               regional integration in southern Africa.     preconditions for achieving the other priorities.
                                                                    The achievements made in the previous RISDP provide
                       The strategic framework informing the RISDP 2020–
       46      2030 includes a commitment to uphold the core principles  a  solid  platform  for  the  RISDP  2020–2030,  with  its
               of SADC, which are:                          foundational pillar, three core pillars, and cross-cutting issues,
               v Sovereign equality of all Member States;   altogether cascading to 24 strategic objectives and 48 key
               v Solidarity, peace and security;            outcomes with the shared ambition of contributing towards
               v Human rights, democracy, and the rule of law;   SADC Vision 2050.
               v Equity, balance, and mutual benefit; and           The RISDP 2020–2030 thus covers five strategic priority
               v Peaceful settlement of disputes.           areas as follows:
                      The RISDP 2020–2030 resolves to leverage areas of  •  The Foundation Peace, Security, and Good
               excellence and implement priorities “to achieve sustainable  Governance
               and inclusive socio-economic development, through good  •  Pillar I  Industrial Development and
               governance and durable peace and security in the region, as  Market Integration
               well as the removal of all barriers to deeper integration; and  •  Pillar II  Infrastructure Development in
               guided by the purposes and principles of the SADC Treaty   Support of Regional Integration
               and Agenda.”                                     •  Pillar III Social and Human Capital
                      In line with the SADC Treaty’s quest for wider and  Development
               deeper regional economic integration and development, the  •  Crosscutting Issuesof Gender, Youth,
               Mission Statement seeks to:                        Environment and Climate Change, and Disaster
                  •  Create a conducive environment to foster regional  Risk Management.
                    cooperation and integration;
                  •  Accelerate the mobilisation of resources from within  Strategic Management of RISDP 2020–2030
                    the community and external sources;     In each of these priority areas, the RISDP provides strategic
                  •  Improve  implementation  of  SADC  policies  and  guidance in the form of actions, interventions, targets, and
                    programmes;                             timelines that if implemented and met, will further deepen
                  •  Strengthen compliance by Member States through  integration in SADC.
                    the  implementation  of  effective  compliance         The priority area of Strategic Management of RISDP
                    monitoring and assurance mechanisms; and   2020–2030 is important, as it is an acknowledgement that
                  •  Magnify visibility and awareness as a means to trigger  SADC needs to ensure progress in implementation to achieve
                    the participation of SADC citizens in driving the  its regional integration agenda. This is closely linked to and
                    regional integration agenda.            informed by the Comprehensive Institutional Review of
                      The main tenet of the previous regional plan, the Revised  SADC that was carried out in parallel to the development of
               RISDP 2015–2020, was to promote regional value chains and  the RISDP.
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