Page 49 - 41st Summit Brochure
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                                 SADC    VISION
                        A peaceful, inclusive, competitive, middle- to high-income industrialised region,
                        where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic well-being, justice and freedom
                                 Cross Cutting Issues
                       Gender, Youth, Environment and Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management

                                                              Regional Early Warning Centre
                                                              Establishment of the Regional Counter Terrorism
                                   Development    Social and
                        Development                           In implementing the Regional Counter Terrorism
                                    in Support    Human Capital
                        and Market
                                   of Regional   Development
                         Integration                          Strategy  adopted  in  2015,  SADC  is  now  in  the
                                                              process  of  establishing  the  Regional  Counter
                                                              Terrorism  Centre  (SADC-RCTC)  which  will
                                                              coordinate all efforts in countering terrorism in the
                             Peace, Security, and Good Governance
                                                              region.  The  centre  will  be  hosted  by  the  United
                  The Foundation                              Republic  of  Tanzania  and  it  is  expected  to  be
                  PEACE, SECURITY AND GOOD                    launched and functional by October 2021.
                                                                     Terrorism is a threat to international peace and
                  GOVERNANCE                                  security.  It  poses  the  most  dangerous  existential
                                                              threat to any country’s national security due to its  47
                                                              sophistication and unpredictable nature. Terrorism
                  ORGAN ON POLITICS, DEFENCE                  and Violent Extremism remain a significant growing
                  AND SECURITY COOPERATION                    security threat in Africa as a whole. This calls for
                                                              SADC  Member  States  to  collectively  devise
                                                              mechanisms and measures to prevent, mitigate and
                  The mandate of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense  combat these threats, to ensure national and regional
                  and Security Cooperation is to facilitate the promotion  peace and stability.
                  of peace, political stability and security in the region.         The  establishment  of  the  SADC  Regional
                  This is in line with the Foundation of the RISDP 2020-  Counter  Terrorism  Centre  is  consistent  with  the
                  2030  focusing  on  Peace,  Security  and  Good  provisions  of  the  Treaty  Establishing  SADC  of
                  Governance. The Strategic Objectives of the Organ are  August 1992; the Protocol on Politics, Defence and
                  operationalized through its structures (SADC Protocol,  Security  Co-operation  of  2001;  and  the  SADC
                  Article 3), supported by the Directorate of the Organ  Mutual  Defence  Pact  of  2003,  which  target  the
                  on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation which  preservation of peace, security and stability in the
                  discharges its functions through the sectors as follows:  SADC region. It is guided by the SADC Regional
                   v Politics and Diplomacy;                  Counter  Terrorism  Strategy  and  Plan  of  Action
                   v State Security;                          which were approved by the SADC Summit held in
                   v Defence;                                 Gaborone, Botswana in 2015.
                   v Public Security;                                The  SADC-RCTC  is  a  multifaceted  centre,
                   v Police; and the                          created  to   ensure  regionally  enhanced
                   v Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre.   coordination and strengthened partnerships, as
                                                              well as fostering timely responses to terrorism and
                                                              violent extremism within the SADC region.  The
                  KEY ACHIEVEMENTS                            SADC-RCTC  shall  serve  as  the  regional  Focal
                                                              Point for the African Union (AU) African Centre
                  The  Directorate  has  recorded  the  following  for  the  Study  and  Research  on  Terrorism
                  achievements since the previous Summit in August  (ACSRT)  and the relevant United Nations (UN)
                  2020.                                       specialized agencies.
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