Page 53 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 53

                      SADC  VISION
                   A peaceful, inclusive, competitive, middle- to high-income industrialised region,
                                   Pillar 1
                   where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic well-being, justice and freedom
                       Cross Cutting Issues
                  Gender, Youth, Environment and Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management
                                   INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT
                   Industrial    Development    Social and
                   Development    in Support    Human Capital
                   and Market
                                   AND MARKET INTEGRATION
                   Integration  of Regional   Development
                     Peace, Security, and Good Governance
                  The dismantling of the Trade, Industry, Finance, Investment (TIFI) Directorate in 2017 resulted in
                  the establishment of two Directorates: the Finance, Investment and Customs (FIC) Directorate and
                  the Industrial Development and Trade (IDT) Directorate.
                  DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE
                                                             At policy level, the Directorate has continually
                                                             engaged with Member States and assisted them
                                                             with manoeuvring the rigours of ratification of the
                  The reconstituted Directorate of IDT comprises  protocols.  So  far,  the  Protocol  on  STI  and  the
                  the units of,                              Protocol on Trade in Goods have entered into
                  v Science, Technology and Innovation;      force,  having  received  the  requisite  two-thirds
                  v Quality and Standards (TBT) and Sanitary  ratifications by Member States.
                      and Phytosanitary (SPS) matters;              Science, Technology and Innovation form the  51
                  v Industrial Development; as well as       basis for industrial development and trade. If the
                  v Trade.                                   region is to be sustainable in its industrialisation
                         The reconstitution of the directorate reflects  drive,  it  has  to  adopt  and  entrench  the  basic
                  the  totality  of  the  value  chain  to  convert  the  principles of products realisation.
                  region’s abundant resources to goods and services        In the period under review, the Directorate
                  that are marketable regionally and beyond. Figure  conceptualised the capacity-building programme
                  1  below  depicts  the  value  chain  behind  the  on  STI  policy  and  governance.  Member  States
                  reformulation of the directorate.          expressed the need for a Model Framework and
                         The IDT Directorate oversees five Protocols.  Guidelines on Innovation and Technology Transfer
                       •  Protocol  on  Science,  Technology  and  mechanisms.
                         Innovation (STI);                           In  addition  to  conventional  knowledge
                       •  Protocol on Industry;              necessary for product development in the region,
                       •  Protocol on Mining;                the regional action plan on Indigenous Knowledge
                       •  Protocol on Trade in Goods; and    Systems, hinging on sound policies for intellectual
                       •  Protocol on Trade in Services.
                                                                     property rights will widen the scope of
                                                                     the SADC industrialisation capability.
                                                                           The Directorate has facilitated
                                                                     the mainstreaming of gender equality in
                                                                     science,  technology  and  innovation
                                                                     hence  the  regional  guideline  on  the
                                                                     establishment of National Chapters for
                                                                     the  SADC  Charter  on  Women  in
                                                                     Science, Engineering, and Technology
                                                                     Organisation (WISETO). The Covid-19
                                                                     pandemic has brought into prominence
                                                                     the need for the region to leverage the
                                                                     Fourth  Industrial  Revolution  and  the
                                                                     development of a strategy in this regard
                                                                     is in the pipeline.

              SQAM – SADC Standardization, Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Metrology
              TBT – Technical Barriers to Trade  SPS – Sanitary and Phytosanitary
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