Page 50 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 50

Enhanced Regional Collective Defence     in terms of the blue economy. The revised IMSS
                         Regional  effort  in  attainment  of  peace  and  was considered and approved by the Ministerial
                         security                                 Committee of the Organ (MCO) in July 2021.
                         The Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security
                         Cooperation  under  Article  2,  provides  the  Police/SARPCCO
                         general  objective  of  promoting  peace  and  Combating Transnational Organized Crime
                         security in the region. Pursuant to this objective,  To strengthen the capacity of Member States to
                         SADC continues to support the efforts of the  prevent and combat Transnational Organized
                         Government  of  the  Democratic  Republic  of  Crime  (TOC),  the  Police/Southern  African
                         Congo (DRC) through the Force Intervention  Regional  Police  Chiefs  Cooperation
                         Brigade (FIB), deployed in eastern DRC since  Organisation  (SARPCCO)  supported  by  the
                         2013 under the Mandate of the United Nations  INTERPOL Regional Bureau, developed a Draft
                         Organization    Stabilization  Mission   Regional  Integrated  Strategy  to  Prevent  and
                         (MONUSCO) in the DRC.                    Combat Transnational Organized Crime that
                                 Deployment of the FIB was authorized by the  specifically addresses the existing challenges of
                         United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 28  TOC in the region, including human resources
                         March 2013 through Resolution 2098 of 2013. The  capacity, resource mobilization, and effective
                         Force Intervention Brigade is composed of troops  coordination.
                         from  three  SADC  Member  States  of  Malawi,         The  strategy  holistically  addresses  drug
                         South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania.  trafficking, illicit financial flows, wildlife crime,
                                The SADC region, as a guarantor to the peace  human trafficking/smuggling, vehicle hijacking
                         and  security  framework  for  the  Great  Lakes  and  trafficking,  illegal  firearms  trade,
                         Region and the DRC, in collaboration with the  corruption,  money  laundering,  financing  of
       48                UN consented on the reconfiguration of the FIB,  terrorism,  illicit  exploitation  of  natural
                         particularly the deployment of enablers in order  resources, and cybercrime.
                         to strengthen its operational capabilities to carry         The Sector in collaboration with INTERPOL
                         out its mandate effectively.             successfully harmonized the training modules
                                 In  December  2020,  the  UNSC  adopted  for the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)
                         Resolution  2556  of  2020  which  extended  the  Investigators  Course  and  INTERPOL  Illicit
                         Mandate of the MONUSCO until 20 December  Arms Record Management Systems (iARMS).
                         2021 with strategic priorities being the protection  Cybercrime training modules have also been
                         of civilians as well as provision of support to the  reviewed  to  bring  them  in  sync  with
                         stabilization and strengthening of state institutions  contemporary cyber threats as the cybercrime
                         in the DRC and key governance and security  environment is changing, thereby strengthening
                         reforms.  The  Mandate  of  the  FIB  was  also  the capacity of Member States to prevent and
                         strengthened by the introduction of the Quick  combat Transnational Organized Crime.
                         Reaction Forces (QRFs) concept of operations.           A Draft Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent
                                                                  and Combat the Proliferation of Illicit Firearms,
                         Review  of  the  SADC  Integrated  Maritime  Ammunition and other Related Materials has
                         Security Strategy                        also been developed in order to strengthen the
                         The Defence sector successfully finalised the  capacity of SADC Member States to combat and
                         review  of  the  SADC  Integrated  Maritime  eradicate  illicit  proliferation,  circulation  and
                         Security Strategy (IMSS) through the Standing  trafficking of small arms and light weapons in
                         Maritime  Committee.  The  Revised  IMSS  the region.
                         presents  a  more  holistic  and  comprehensive         In  addition,  the  Regional  Coordinating
                         coverage to cater for addressing the maritime  Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons
                         security and safety needs of the region, covering  convened  in  March  2021  to  review  progress
                         both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean maritime  made  by  SADC  Member  States  in  the
                         spaces of SADC and the linkage with the region’s  implementation of the SADC Protocol on the
                         landlocked states.                       Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Other
                                 The strategic focus targets safety and security  Related Materials, noting significant progress in
                         as well as the SADC region’s developmental needs,  the legislation review and in capacity-building
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