Page 52 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 52

SADC Member States Benefit from
                                             EU-Funded TRF Support

              The SADC Trade Related Facility (TRF) was established in July  SADC TRF Success Stories include the following:
              2014 through a Contribution Agreement between the European  •  Development and adoption of policy documents, such as
              Union (EU) and the Southern African Development Community  the National Trade Policy in Lesotho, and National Quality
              (SADC). The TRF provides financial and technical assistance to  Policies in Zimbabwe Madagascar and Mozambique;
              SADC  Member  States  (MS)  to  facilitate  greater  levels  of  •  Upskilling of small-scale gold and gemstone mining and
              compliance and implementation of the SADC Trade Protocol  improved use of new technology in farming and aquaculture
              (STP) commitments and ensures better preparedness of SADC  development;
              Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) States to effectively  •  Development of value-chain strategies;
              implement the EPA and benefit from it. The TRF aims to increase  •  Development of EPA Implementation Strategies and Action
              overall trade flows within the Region and internationally.  Plans,  capacity-building  in  the  areas  of  SPS  and  TBTs,
                                                                   including procurement of laboratory equipment; and
              The TRF has to date disbursed 81% (€18.5 million) of the grant  •  Development of Standard Operating Procedures for the
              funding earmarked for Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar,  laboratories.
              Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Tanzania,  A notable success of the TRF is the significant increase in the
              Zambia and Zimbabwe.                              production of oilseeds and the development of the oilseeds
                                                                value chain in Malawi. The oilseeds sector is one of the prioritised
              The outputs realized by the TRF in capacitating Member States  export-oriented clusters for economic diversification in Malawi’s
              to domesticate the provisions and benefit from the SADC Trade  National Export Strategy. TRF intervention sought to address the
              Protocol and SADC- EPA include:                   challenges of low yields and low levels of quality in oilseed
              i.  Enhancing customs cooperation - Development of one  production which led to processors offering local farmers low
                  stop border instruments and coordinated border  market prices and preferring to import the oilseeds.
                  management systems;
              ii.  Improving the application of sanitary and phytosanitary  The TRF project focused on groundnuts, sunflower and soya
                  (SPS) measures -Retooling of laboratories, policy  beans through application of yield improving technologies and
                  development, development of online systems for issuance  training of farmers. Demonstration plots were identified in seven
                  of SPS certificates and reporting systems under the World  districts, to illustrate the benefits of yield improving technologies
                  Trade Organisation);                          that involved application of certified seeds, inoculants, soil and
              iii. Trade facilitation - Adoption of online systems for  plant pest control methods and, through Extension Services and
                  reporting and resolving Non-Tariff Barriers, upgrading of  other service providers, good agronomic practice.  160 farmer
       50         the ASYCUDA and National Single Window clearance  groups, consisting of 16000 individual beneficiaries, have directly
                  systems and training of customs officials, and accreditation  benefited from this intervention.
                  of clearing and forwarding agents to build their capacity to
                  lodge correct customs clearance documentation);   The demonstration plots registered increased grain yield in soya
                                                                beans, groundnuts and sunflower in the 2018/19 season as
              iv. Trade promotion and development- Development of  compared to the 2017/18 season. The Yield Improving
                  national trade policy; promotion of SMMEs in various  Technologies (YIT) demonstration plots had a mean grain yield
                  sectors to comply with required standards, development  of 1.65 tonnes/hectare.  This translated to 91.4% higher yield than
                  of e-commerce policy and electronic platforms/portals for  that of the Traditional Plots (TP) that registered a mean grain yield
                  trade;                                        of 0.86 ton/ha. The increase of yield in the YIT demonstration
              v.  Addressing technical barriers to trade - Procurement of  plots was attributed to utilisation of certified seed of improved
                  equipment and preparation of laboratories for  varieties, inoculants (in legumes), planting pattern, crop
                  accreditation and capacitating them to provide  protection agents and fertilizers and good agronomic practices.
                  certification services to industry, development of
                  regulatory frameworks and standard operating
              vi. Effective implementation of Rules of Origin -
                  Development of rules of origin management systems and
                  online e-certificate of origin issuance systems;
              vii. Industrial development - Policy, Industrial Upgrading and
                  Modernization Programme (IUMP) and value chain
                  development and productive competitiveness;
              viii. Trade in services - Development of sector related
                  schedules of commitment and policies;
              ix. Competition policy and law - Capacity building,
                  development of legislation and regulations, establishment
                  of resource centres and awareness raising on anti-
                  competitiveness;                              After 90 months of operation, the SADC TRF is scheduled to
              x.  Strengthening trade defense instruments -     conclude its work in March 2022. Sustainability of the TRF outputs
                  Development of regulatory frameworks, establishment of  and  outcomes  will  be  ensured  by  close  collaboration with
                  investigation units and capacity building; and   successor programmes such as the Trade Facilitation Programme
              xi. Trade related adjustment-assessing the impact of EPA on  (TFP) and the Support to Industry and the Productive Sectors
                  the economy

                                            iTowers North, Unit 7C Central Business District,
                                               Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267391 5718.

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