Page 66 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 66

Pillar 2
                       SADC  VISION
                    A peaceful, inclusive, competitive, middle- to high-income industrialised region,
                    where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic well-being, justice and freedom
                       Cross Cutting Issues
                                   INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN
                   Gender, Youth, Environment and Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management
                    Industrial    Development    Social and
                    Development    in Support    Human Capital
                    and Market    of Regional   Development
                        Integration  SUPPORT OF REGIONAL INTEGRATION
                      Peace, Security, and Good Governance
                           DIRECTORATE OF                          v Provision of timely and credible
                                                                      meteorological and climate
                                                                      information; and
                                                                   v Promoting investment in regional
                                                                      infrastructure development.
                           The mandate of the Infrastructure Directorate         The achievements and challenges of the
                           is  to  facilitate  and  coordinate  the
                                                                   sectors  that  fall  under  the  Infrastructure
                           transformation of the region into an integrated
                                                                   Directorate are presented as follows – Energy;
                           economy  by  promoting  the  provision  of  ICT; Meteorology; Water; and Transport.
                           adequate, interconnected, cost-effective and
                           efficient regional infrastructure. Its overall goal
                           is  Infrastructure  in  Support  for  Regional
                           Integration and Poverty Alleviation.    ENERGY SECTOR
                               The Regional Infrastructure Development
                           Master  Plan  (RIDMP)  is  a  blueprint  for  Creation of Enabling Environment to
       64                  regional  socio-economic  integration  and  Enhance Security of Energy Supply

                           development, and provides the main guiding  The Southern African Power Generation
                           instrument for the Directorate, particularly for  and Transmission Master Plan (SAPP Pool
                           implementing Pillar 2 of the RISDP 2020-2030,  Plan)  as  approved  by  the  Committee  of
                           which  specifically  deals  with  Infrastructure  Ministers responsible for Energy in 2018
                           Development  in  Support  of  Regional  stipulates that the development of regional
                               Integration.                        transmission infrastructure would require
                                   The  Directorate  responds  to  the  US$3.3  billion  while  generation  projects
                                goals of the SADC Vision 2050, and the  would require investment costs of US121
                                SADC  Industrialization  Strategy  and  billion by 2040.
                                Roadmap (2015-2063) in considering          At the end of 2020, the total installed
                                the role of infrastructure as an enabler  capacity  for  the  region  stood  at  69,132
                                of regional development. Outcomes of  Megawatts (MW) from mainland Member
                                the  Directorate’s  interventions  are  States and when considering the operating
                                motivated by the following Key Result  capacity of 59,688 MW and peak demand
                                Areas (KRAs):                      including required reserves of 57,662 MW,
                                v Promoting efficient and effective  the region is sitting with an excess capacity of
                                management of shared watercourses  2,026 MW.
                                and improved development of                However,  only  nine  of  12  mainland
                                strategic water infrastructure;    Member States are interconnected through
                                v Promoting the provision of
                                                                   the  regional  power  grid  which  allows
                                adequate, integrated and efficient  Member States to share surplus energy. In
                                transport infrastructure and services;  addition, those interconnected are not able to
                                v Supply of adequate energy in the
                                                                   trade power effectively due to inadequate and
                                v Establishing universal access to  congested transmission capacity and other
                                affordable ICT;                    non-tariff barriers.
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