Page 62 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 62

DIRECTORATE OF FOOD                           mitigate against negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
                   AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL                       on the SADC Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector”,
                                                                 which  were  approved  by  Ministers  responsible  for  Food
                                                                 Security and Agriculture, and Fisheries and Aquaculture at
                                                                 their Joint Virtual Meeting held in May 2020. The measures
                   MANAGEMENT OF                                 were packaged into a policy brief for ease of dissemination.
                   NATURAL RESOURCES                                 These measures included those to protect the most
                                                                 vulnerable people through social protection programmes in
                                                                 targeted fisher communities; supporting small and informal
                   In an effort to strengthen national and regional linkages  businesses through the fish value-chains with grants/payroll
                   towards achieving regional integration objectives, the SADC  and unemployment assistance; providing rapid COVID-19
                   Secretariat  in  partnership  with  GIZ  piloted  a  project  on  testing,  Personal  Protective  Equipment  (PPE),  and
                   “Aligning  Regional  and  National  Aquaculture  Strategic  improving  hygiene  and  sanitation,  encouraging  social
                   Frameworks in SADC”.                          distancing at farming, fishing, processing, distribution and
                       The project was implemented through the programme  marketing  establishments;  and  providing  all  players
                   on “Strengthening of the National-Regional Linkages (SNRL)  throughout the food value-chains with current information
                   in SADC” -- a partnership programme between SADC, the  related to COVID-19.
                   EU and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany,  The measures also promote the adoption of nutrition-
                   as part of the regional process to domesticate, monitor and  sensitive production policies and interventions, considering
                   assess the implementation of the Protocol on Fisheries in  that food and nutritional wellbeing transcend material,
                   SADC Member States.                           relational, and subjective wellbeing. Hence there is a need
                       The objective of the project was to ensure alignment  to re-look at the national and regional food baskets, and
                   between regional and national levels within the context of  promote production and consumption of nutritious foods,
                   sustainable aquaculture development in three pilot countries  such as fish.
                   -- Botswana, Malawi and Namibia. This successful pilot project  The Secretariat developed a SADC Regional Fisheries
       60          resulted in the development of aligned strategies, as well as  Monitoring Control and Surveillance Strategy to support the

                   many other interventions and support to national processes,  work  of  the  Regional  Fisheries  Monitoring  Control  and
                   aimed at strengthening implementation of the protocol in the  Surveillance Coordination Centre (MCSCC), which is being
                   respective  countries.  The  pilot  project  has  put  the  three  operationalised  in  Mozambique.  The  overall  goal  of  the
                   countries on a path to developing sustainable aquaculture  strategy  is  to  strengthen  compliance  and  enforcement
                   value-chains, as presented in the aligned National Aquaculture  throughout the regional Monitoring Control and Surveillance
                   Strategies.                                   (MCS) framework so that fisheries in the region are sustainably
                       The project produced policy briefs and communication  managed,  and  the  reduction  of  Illegal,  Unreported  and
                   products such as success stories and factsheets, which were  Unregulated (IUU) fishing is achieved in all SADC countries
                   distributed  to  the  respective  countries’  ministries  through enhanced MCS programmes.
                   responsible for fisheries and aquaculture.        The Interim Project Management Unit continued to
                       These advocacy and communication products aid in  operationalize the MCSCC through coordination of online
                   raising awareness to different target groups including policy  training  sessions  and  workshops  on  Fisheries  Trade
                           makers, fishermen and women, media, and the  Monitoring and Compliance, Identification of Marine Species
                            broader women and youth demography on the  and Vessels and Gear used in Illegal Fishing, Law for Fisheries
                            benefits  of  aquaculture  and  how  SADC  can  Control Officials, Inspectors and other Enforcement Officials,
                            continue the national processes in supporting  and Basecamp, which were conducted between August 2020
                            fisheries and aquaculture development for the  and February 2021.
                            benefit of all citizens.                 The objectives were to empower Member States with
                               Through the policy briefs, lessons learned on  skills to effectively combat IUU, and to use an information
                            alignment through the project were shared with  sharing platform for monitoring, control and surveillance.
                            the  participating  Member  States,  highlighting  So far, a total of 121 MCS, law enforcement officers and
                            success factors for alignment. The lessons are also  customs  officials  were  trained  through  these  four
                             valuable for replication in other SADC Member  programmes with support from FishFORCE Academy and
                              States.                            Stop Illegal Fishing (SIF).
                                 The Secretariat developed “Measures to  The  SADC  Secretariat  is  the  current  chair  of  the
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