Page 71 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 71

EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing Facility –
                        Call for Expressions of Interest

                  The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is implementing a project on
                  “Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances in East and Southern Africa” (EELA) in collaboration with
                  the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) and the East African Centre
                  of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (EACREEE). The EELA project is funded
                  by the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
                  (Sida). The EELA Project invites energy users, manufacturers of lighting and appliances as well energy
                  service providers including energy service companies (ESCOs) to submit Expressions of Interest (EoI)
                  to receive technical and financial support to develop and implement energy efficient lighting and
                  appliances projects in the East African Community (EAC) and SADC Member States.

                  The call for Expressions of Interest has three windows targeting different applicants as outlined below:

                  Window 1: Technical Assistance for the design of energy service business models
                  Target: Energy users across all sectors including municipal, industrial, agriculture, hospitality,
                  commercial and any other large energy users interested in receiving support in carrying out feasibility
                  studies and preparing bankable energy efficient project proposals.

                  Window 2: Co-financing implementation of energy efficiency projects
                  Target: Energy services providers with energy service agreements/contracts with an energy user in
                  place seeking co-financing to implement eligible energy efficiency projects. The co-financing will be
                  in the form of grant funding that will part finance the capital cost of the energy efficient project.

                  Window 3: Technology transition support for manufacturers
                  Target: Manufacturers of energy efficient appliances in SADC and EAC Member States requiring
                  upgrading/improving of their production processes/facilities to meet the Minimum Energy
                  Performance Standards (MEPS) for lighting, cooling, and other appliances which are adopted within
                  the EELA program.

                  Indicative Timeline:
                  Timeframe for submission of EoI:   Until 31 December 2021
                  Evaluation:                       Quarterly
                  Contracting/due diligence:        12 weeks after commencement of contact negotiations
                  Implementation duration:          Maximum 18 months after contract signing

                  All the related information can be found in the UNIDO website:

                  Applicants should submit their EOI to the designated mailbox:  Any
                  other submissions will not be accepted.

                  About SACREEE: SACREEE was established in 2015 by the SADC Energy Ministers with a mandate
                  to promote; increased access to modern energy services; and improved energy security across the
                  SADC Region through the promotion of market-based adoption of renewable energy and energy
                  efficient technologies and energy services. For more info:

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