Page 67 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 67

The SAPP Pool Plan further indicates that  Infrastructure  Financing  Facility  (RTIFF).
                  the  development  of  priority  transmission  Several  outputs  have  been  accomplished
                  projects may result in cost-saving of around  including a Diagnostic Study, a Framing Paper
                  US$40  billion  due  to  deferment  in  the  on  identification  of  RTIFF  Core  Services,
                  development  of  generation  projects.  In  this  Strategic  Case-Techno-economic  study,  and
                  regard, the SADC Secretariat in collaboration  institutional  arrangements  where  the
                  with SAPP is advocating for development of  recommendation  is  under  consideration  for
                  interconnectors  and  national  backbone  operationalising the RTIFF as a hosted facility
                  transmission  projects  in  order  to  facilitate  by an existing institution.
                  energy trading and enhance security of supply          The SADC Secretariat through SAPP has
                  where Member States with excess capacity will  coordinated the planning and development of
                  be able to supply those with deficit in the region.   power  generation  plants  to  address  the
                          The SADC Secretariat in collaboration  current supply shortfall in the region.
                  with SAPP supported the identified Member          In 2020/2021, the SADC energy sector
                  States to undertake preparatory and feasibility  was  affected  by  the  COVID-19  pandemic.
                  studies,  and  the  Malawi-Mozambique  However,  the  SADC  region  commissioned
                  transmission  interconnector  project  has  2,400MW  power  generation  capacity
                  reached  financial  closure.  Commercial  contributed  by  the  Public  Utilities  and  by
                  agreements were signed, Owners Engineer  Independent Power Producers (IPPs) from
                  procured, while procurement of consultants  Angola, Botswana, DRC, Eswatini, Malawi,
                  and contractors started in the first quarter  Mozambique,  Namibia,  South  Africa,
                  2021  and  construction  is  scheduled  to  Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
                  commence by the end of 2021.                   The graph illustrates power generation
                          Mozambique and the United Republic of  capacity  commissioned  between  2010  and
                  Tanzania concluded bilateral negotiations in  2020.
                  June  2021  and  signed-off  the  Inter-                                                    65
                  Governmental Memorandum of Understanding  Regional Energy Sector Regulatory Initiatives
                  (IGMOU)  for  preparation  for  technical  and  and Regional Energy Access Initiatives
                  feasibility studies for the Mozambique-Tanzania  The SADC Secretariat in conjunction with the
                  transmission interconnector project.   Regional  Electricity  Regulators  Association
                          In  order  to  unlock  funding  for  (RERA)  continued  to  assist  the  DRC  in
                  transmission  projects,  the  Secretariat  with  establishing  an  energy  regulatory  authority.
                  support from the World Bank completed studies  Therefore 15 of the 16 Member States have energy
                  for the establishment and operationalisation of  regulators, with the exception of Comoros, the
                  the   SADC     Regional   Transmission  newest SADC Member State.

                      Source SAPP
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