Page 63 - 41st Summit Brochure
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E€OFISH Programme Steering Committee. The E€OFISH   The  SPGRC  is  mandated  to  coordinate  sustainable
              Programme, funded by EU aims to enhance equitable economic  utilization of plant genetic resources in order to sustain food
              growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in the Eastern Africa,  and nutrition security in the region, through the priority areas
              Southern Africa and Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) cross-region.  outlined in the RISDP 2020-30. Through its activities, the
              Under the result area supporting small-scale fisheries, concrete  SPGRC therefore contributes to achievement of the goals of the
              fisheries management and governance initiatives in small-scale  RISDP in the following areas.
              inland  and  marine  fisheries  were  supported  with  the
              possibilities of replication at the regional level and across partner  Guaranteeing Sustainable Regional Food and
              regions in EA-SA-IO cross-region. Six projects included the  Nutrition Security
              following:                                      The SPGRC and its network of National Plant Genetic Resource
               •  Mwambao Coastal Community Network in Tanzania  Centres focuses on the conservation of diverse traditional crops
                  focusing  on  improving  management  of  Octopus  of the region.  Through its On-Farm Conservation activities,
                  fisheries and promoting equitable governance of tenure  the  SPGRC  promotes  maintenance  of  crop  diversity  with
                  in small-scale fishing communities in Zanzibar and the  increased  production  and  utilization  at  the  farmer  and
                  north-eastern Tanzanian coast;              community  levels.  This  includes  documentation  and
               •  ADPP in Mozambique promoting sustainable small-  preservation  of  Indigenous  Knowledge  (IK)  on  farming
                  scale fisheries in Cahora Bassa and Mogoé Districts, Tete  practices and utilization of conserved material at farmer level.
                  Province;                                      Establishment  of  community  seed-banks  helps  in
               •  ActionAid supporting sustainable small-scale fisheries  alleviating perpetual problems of seed shortages for resource-
                  in 140 fishing communities in Zambia;       poor farmers making viable planting material available during
               •  Namibia  Nature  Foundation  Trust  strengthening  planting  times.  Where  crops  are  lost,  the  re-
                  community fisheries in Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier  introductions/restorations  are  carried  out  through  seed
                  Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA);              multiplication and distribution by NPGRCs.
               •  UNDP supporting the economic empowerment of the  Access to seed and diversified crop production systems are
                  artisanal fishing communities in Mauritius.   key  to  ensuring  food  and  nutrition  security.  The  SPGRC  61
                                                              network works in collaboration with relevant institutions in
              SADC PLANT GENETIC                              Member  States  to  enhance  crop  improvement  thereby
              RESOURCES CENTRE                                contributing to improved seed production systems.

                                                              Environment Management and Sustainable Development
               The SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre (SPGRC) was
                                                              The SPGRC programmes contribute to the realization of the
              established in 1989. The Centre, located in Zambia, has been
                                                              RISDP 2020-30 goals by creating the requisite harmonized
              entrusted and mandated with the conservation and evaluation
                                                              policy environment, as well as legal and regulatory frameworks
              for sustainable utilization of SADC plant genetic resources for
                                                              to promote regional cooperation on all issues relating to the
              the present and future generations and coordination of all
                                                              environment and natural resources management, including
              activities  through  the  network  of  National  Plant  Genetic
                                                              trans-boundary ecosystem management. In addition, SPGRC
              Resource Centres (NPGRCs) established in each of the 16
                                                              promotes identification, in situ conservation of threatened wild
              SADC Member States.
                                                              useful species including wild crop relatives, fodder species,
                   The SPGRC is a unit under the FANR Directorate of the
                                                              medicinal plants, wild fruits and wild leafy vegetables.
              SADC Secretariat, and is guided by a Technical Sub-Committee
              on  Plant  Genetic  Resources  Conservation  comprising  of
                                                              Streamlining the Use of Information
              chairpersons  of  the  National  Plant  Genetic  Resources
                                                              Communication Technology
              Committees (NPGRCom).
                                                              Compliant to streamlining in the use of ICTs, the SPGRC
                   SPGRC operates a regional gene bank where at least
                                                              developed  and  maintains  the  SPGRC  Documentation  &
              18,662 accessions of germplasm from SADC Member States is
                                                              Information System (SDIS) that is installed and operational at
              conserved ex situ under low temperature conditions of minus
                                                              all NPGRCs to help scientists in the management of gene banks.
              18 degrees Celsius (-18 C).
                                                              It  is  also  involved  in  the  promotion  and  facilitation  of
                  As of March 2021, over 10,000 accessions of the 18,662
                                                              information  dissemination  and  exchange  on  technologies,
              accessions have been duplicated at the Svalbard Global Seed
                                                              innovations, and experiences related to plant genetic recourses
              Vault in the North Pole together with germplasm from the rest
                                                              conservation and use among NPGRCs and other stakeholders
              of the world for long term conservation.
                                                              in the region.
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