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Current Functions of Directorates and Units                                       Table 3.3

                 Directorate/ Unit  Responsible to  Functions

                 Policy, Planning and  Deputy Executive  • Policy Analysis, Planning and Programming, Monitoring and Evaluation, and
                 Resources        Secretary for Regional  Resource Mobilisation.
                 Mobilisation     Integration       • Covers Research and Statistics; Policy and Strategy; and Project Management
                 Industrial       Deputy Executive  • Responsible for the implementation of the SADC Industrialization Strategy and
                 Development and  Secretary for Regional  Roadmap.
                 Trade            Integration       • Ensures effective integration of goods and services markets and widening export
                                                      opportunities through new regional, Tripartite and Continental trading
                                                      arrangements and enhancement of the trading environment
                                                    • Covers Industrialisation and Competitiveness, Value Chains, Industrial Project
                                                      Preparation, Trade, Standards and Quality and Science, Technology and

                 Finance, Investment  Deputy Executive  • Facilitates trade and financial liberalisation; and to create an enabling environment
                 and Customs      Secretary for Regional  for investment.
                                  Integration       • Facilitates the development and strengthening of financial and capital markets.
                                                    • Ensures capacity for macro­economic management and convergence strategies.
                                                    • Covers Customs, Finance and Investment and Macro­Convergence sectors

                 Infrastructure   Deputy Executive  • Facilitates achievement of efficient, seamless, integrated and cost­effective cross­
                                  Secretary for Regional  boundary infrastructure networks.
                                  Integration       • Focuses on the development and quality of strategic infrastructure.  89
                                                    • Covers the sectors of Energy, Transport, Information Communication Technology
                                                      (ICT), Water and Meteorology.
                 Food, Agriculture and  Deputy Executive  • Supports initiatives to improve food availability, access, safety and nutritional
                 Natural Resources  Secretary for Regional  value; disaster preparedness for food security; equitable and sustainable use of
                                  Integration         the environment and natural resources; and strengthening institutional
                                                      frameworks and capacity building.
                                                    • Covers areas of Natural Resources and Wildlife, Environment and Climate Change,
                                                      Tourism, and Food Security and Agriculture.
                 Social and Human  Deputy Executive  • Ensure the availability of educated, skilled, healthy, productive human resources
                 Development      Secretary for Regional  required for promoting investment, efficiency and competitiveness of the region in
                                  Integration         the  global  economy,  as  well  as  improving  the  quality  of  lives  of  the  region's
                                                    • Covers Health and Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Employment, Labour and Youth; and
                                                      Education and Skills Development.

                 Organ on Politics,  Executive Secretary  • Covers areas of Politics and Diplomacy, Defence, State Security, Public Security and
                 Defence and Security                 Police.
                 Affairs                             • Guided by the Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Co­operation which aims
                                                      to promote peace and security in SADC, protect the region’s people from instability
                                                      due to the breakdown of law and order, develop a common foreign policy for the
                                                      region, and cooperate on matters related to security and defence.

                 Internal Audit and Risk  Executive Secretary  • Responsible for providing assurance on internal controls within the Secretariat.
                 Management                         • Ensures coordination of risk management, internal controls and internal audit.
                 Finance          Deputy Executive  • Provides  an  effective  and  efficient  financial  advisory  service  within  the  SADC
                                  Secretary for       Secretariat.
                                  Corporate Affairs  • Covers Accounting Services, Grants/Contracts, and Treasury and Budgets
                 Human Resources and  Deputy Executive  • Provides  efficient  and  effective  services  in  Human  Resources,  Administration,
                 Administration   Secretary for       Records Management and Conference Services.
                                  Corporate Affairs  • Supports the SADC secretariat in attracting and retaining skilled workforce, efficient
                                                      administrative, records and conference management services.
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