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                  Current Functions of Directorates and Units                                       Table 3.3

                    Directorate/ Unit  Responsible to  Functions

                    Disaster Risk   Deputy Executive  • Coordinates disaster risk reduction activities and programmes within the
                    Reduction Unit  Secretary for Regional  SADC region.
                                    Integration       • Coordinates the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR.
                                                      • Promotes  and  support  the  mainstreaming  of  DRR  into  development
                                                         policies and programmes of member states.

                    Gender Unit     Executive Secretary  • Facilitates, coordinates, monitors and evaluates implementation of the
                                                         SADC  Protocol  on  Gender  and  Development  and  all  sector,  regional,
                                                         continental and global instruments and policies.
                                                      • Spearheads mainstreaming of gender in regional initiatives.

                    Conference Services  Director of Human  • Supports SADC policy and other meetings with documentation, translation,
                    Unit            Resources and        interpretation services, conference facilities and scheduling of meetings.

                    Procurement Unit  Executive Secretary  • Ensures timely acquisition of goods, services and works.
                                                      • Ensures effectiveness, best value for money, fairness, integrity and
                                                         transparency through competition, and accountability and ethical
                                                         standards among stakeholders.

                    Legal Unit      Executive Secretary  • Guides SADC in the application and interpretation of SADC legal regimes
        90                                               including the SADC Treaty, SADC Protocols and legal instruments and the
                                                         application and interpretation of international law.
                    Information and  Deputy Executive  • Guides the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies
                    Communication   Secretary­Corporate  within SADC.
                    Technologies Unit  Affairs         • Supports the implementation of the technological aspects of the revised
                    Communications and  Executive Secretary  • Provides Strategic Corporate Communication and Awareness of SADC
                    Public Relations Unit                and its programmes, as well as Public Relations services.

                    SADC Liaison Office to  Executive Secretary  • Enhances and strengthens regional capacity to facilitate continental
                    the African Union                    integration through peace, security, stability and sustainable
                                                         development as envisaged in the Agenda 2063 and other African Union
                                                         legal and policy frameworks.
                                                      Enhances communication and liaison between the AUC and SADC.

                    Source SADC
                                        The restructuring in 2001 saw the creation of four Directorates at the SADC Secre-
                                tariat under which all of the existing sectors were clustered according to their cross-sectoral
                                linkages, as shown in Figure 3.2. The following Directorates were created:
                                ●     Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment
                                ●     Infrastructure and Services
                                ●     Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
                                ●     Social and Human Development and Special Programmes.
                                       The structure of the Secretariat was reviewed in 2005 and again in 2017.
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