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SADC Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
                  The  Regional  Platform  for  Disaster  Risk  Reduction  was
                  inaugurated  in  October  2011  at  a  meeting  in  Seychelles.  All
                  SADC Member States have disaster management structures for
                  national activities, but when heavy floods displaced more than a
                  million people in the region in 2007, SADC also established a
                  Disaster Risk Reduction Unit to coordinate preparedness and
                  response for trans‐boundary disasters.
                  Small Arms and Light Weapons
                  SADC and other Regional Economic Communities in Africa have developed a strategy
                  for the control of illicit proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)
                  including  rifles,  pistols  and  light  machineguns,  as  this  poses  a  major  threat  to
                  development in the region and continent. The illicit production and possession of small
                  arms is a criminal offence under the SADC Protocol on the Control of Firearms,
                  Ammunition and other Related Materials. National focal points have been established
                  as required by the Protocol, coordinated by the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs
                  Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO).

                  Action for Youth and Vulnerable Children
                  SADC Ministers responsible for youth and for vulnerable children have adopted common
                  plans and actions for the region to accelerate the delivery of basic services and needs for
                  vulnerable children and youth, including safe drinking water, healthcare, education and     61
                  skills to enable youth to create jobs for themselves, in line with Article 12 of the African
                  Youth Charter.

                  Extra­Ordinary Summit in Angola
                  An Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government was held in Luanda,
                  Angola on 1 June 2012, hosted and chaired by President José Eduardo dos Santos and
                  considered the report of the Organ Troika that met prior to the full Summit.

                  Madagascar Roadmap
                  The SADC Mediation Team led by the former President Joaquim Alberto Chissano of
                  Mozambique and the SADC Organ Troika resulted in the signing, in September 2011 by
                  ten of the eleven Malagasy stakeholders, of the Roadmap that seeks to return the country
                  to constitutional normalcy. The SADC Liaison Office is operational since January 2012
                  to support the process.
                  SADC Candidate for Chairperson of African Union Commission
                  The Summit reiterated its support for Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini
                  Zuma, the Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa, for the
                  position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and
                  for Malawi which is hosting the next AU Summit in July 2012.
                  Dr Zuma was elected and served as AUC Chairperson from 15
                  October 2012 – 30 January 2017, the first woman to do so. For
                  the 50th Anniversary Summit on 25 May 2013 during her term,
                  the African Union approved Agenda 2063 – The Africa We Want,
                  and 10-year implementation plans were developed.
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