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                  The trend in tourism arrivals is encouraging with the number almost doubling between
                  2000 and 2013, supported by the Protocol on the Development of Tourism which seeks
                  to improve the quality of services, safety standards and infrastructure to attract tourists
                  and investment. The Protocol states that travel in the region can be made easier by
                  abolishing visa requirements for visitors and calls on Member States to create a UNIVISA
                  to facilitate the movement of international tourists in the region. The first step was taken
                  by  Zambia  and  Zimbabwe  in  November  2014  for  movement  within  the
                  Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Park using one visa valid for 60 days.

                  Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015­2063
                  An Extra-Ordinary Summit held in Harare, Zimbabwe on 29 April 2015,                         65
                  hosted and chaired by President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, approved the SADC
                  Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063. The strategy is anchored
                  on three pillars of Industrialisation, Competitiveness, and Regional Integration,
                  and is expected to ensure that the region fully benefits from its vast natural
                  resources. The Summit underscored the critical importance of infrastructure in
                  industrialisation and the need to explore appropriate funding mechanisms for
                  implementation of the Industrialisation Strategy. The SADC Secretariat was
                  directed to finalise the Costed Action Plan for the implementation and ensure that
                  the industrialisation strategy has top priority in implementation of the Revised
                  RISDP (2015-2020).

                  Approval of Revised RISDP 2015­2020
                  The  Revised  Regional  Indicative  Strategic  Development  Plan  2015-2020  was
                  approved by the Extra-Ordinary Summit to guide the implementation of SADC
                  programmes in the next five years, with four major priority areas – Industrial
                                  Development and Market Integration; Infrastructure in Support of
                                    Regional  Integration;  Peace  and  Security  Cooperation  as  a
                                    prerequisite for regional integration; and Special Programmes of
                                    regional dimension.
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