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Dr Tax appointed Executive Secretary
                              Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax of the United Republic of Tanzania was appointed SADC
                              Executive Secretary for a period of four years 2014-2017, and later re-appointed for a second
                              term 2018-2021. She is the first woman to head the SADC Secretariat.

                              An Extra-Ordinary SADC Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 30 January 2014,
                              welcomed the presidential and parliamentary elections in Madagascar in October and
                              December 2013. The Summit commended the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and
                              Security Cooperation and its successive Chairpersons 2009-2013/14 for their focused
                              leadership in supporting Madagascar, and the SADC Mediator, former President Joaquim
                              Alberto Chissano of Mozambique for his skilful mediation, as well as Member States who
                              made financial contributions to the process.

               2014-2015      The 34 SADC Summit was held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe on 17-18 August 2014 hosted
                              and chaired by President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, with the theme of, SADC Strategy for
                              Economic Transformation: Leveraging the Region’s Diverse Resources for Sustainable
                              Economic and Social Development through Beneficiation and Value Addition.

                              Introduction of Summit themes
                              For the first time, it was agreed that each Summit would be held under a particular theme,
        64                    which would reflect the focus for the coming year.
                              On the Theme, the Summit directed that industrialisation should take centre stage in SADC’s
                              regional integration agenda, and mandated the Ministerial Task Force on Regional Economic
                              Integration to develop a strategy and roadmap for industrialisation in the region.

                              Founding Leaders
                              Summit underscored the need to appropriately honour the Founding Leaders who played
                              an outstanding role in the liberation of Africa, at both regional and continental levels.

                                     SADC Hashim Mbita Project
                                     A nine-volume publication of interviews and documents on the liberation of
                                     Southern  Africa  was  launched  at  the  34 SADC  Summit  in  Victoria  Falls,
                                     Zimbabwe, by the host and incoming SADC Chairperson, President Robert Gabriel
                                     Mugabe. The publication titled Southern African Liberation Struggles, was produced by
                                     the SADC Hashim Mbita Project initiated at the 25th Summit for the collection,
                                     cataloguing and compiling of oral texts and documents in SADC Member States
                                     and elsewhere, under the leadership of Brig-General (Rtd) Hashim Mbita, who was
                                     the Executive Secretary of the OAU Liberation Committee for 22 years from 1972
                                     until his mission was accomplished with the democratic elections in South Africa in
                                     1994.  The  Summit  urged  Member  States  to  honour  Ambassador  Mbita  as
                              demonstrated by Zimbabwe which conferred on him the Order of Munhumutapa, which
                              was received by his daughter, Shella, shown in the picture at left with President Mugabe
                              (right) and the SADC Executive Secretary, Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax (left).

                              Protocols and other Legal Instruments
                              The Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development was adopted,
                              and also the Protocol on Employment and Labour, and the Declaration on Regional
                              Infrastructure Development.
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