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SADC Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System
                  The SADC electronic settlement system was launched in four Member States of the
                  Common Monetary Area (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland) in July 2013
                  to effect cross-border payments instead of using the correspondent bank payment system,
                  initially for high value payments, and gradually rolled out later to all SADC Member
                  States. The SADC Real Time Gross Settlement System (SADC-RTGS), then called the
                  SADC Integrated Regional Electronic Settlement System (SIRESS), is an electronic cross-
                  border  funds  transfer  system  that  facilitates  settlement  of  funds  within  the  SADC
                  region, in real-time. All Member States except Comoros are participating in the SADC-
                  RTGS and a total of 85 banks (central banks and commercial banks) are also participating
                  in  the  system.  The  SADC-RTGS  has  enabled  Member  States  to  settle  payments
                  among themselves in real-time, when previously it took several days to process cross-
                  border transactions.

                  The 33rd SADC Summit was held in Lilongwe, Malawi on 17-18 August         2013-2014
                  2013, hosted and chaired by President Joyce Hilda Banda.
                  Regional Infrastructure Development
                  The Summit commended Mozambique for successfully organising and
                  hosting the SADC Regional Infrastructure Investment Conference in June 2013, following
                  the  adoption  at  the  previous  Summit  in  Maputo  of  the  Regional  Infrastructure
                  Development Master Plan Vision 2027 to be implemented over a 15-year period 2013-
                  2027.  The  investment  conference  was  organized  to  support  the  implementation  of    63
                  trans-boundary infrastructure in an integrated manner in the sectors of Energy, Transport,
                  Tourism, ICT and Postal, Meteorology, and Water.
                  Women Representation in Political and Decision­making Positions
                  The 33 Summit noted progress on the status of women representation
                  in  political  and  decision-making  positions  in  SADC  Member  States,
                  commending Member States that have achieved high representation of
                  women in political and decision-making positions, and urged those that
                  have not yet reached the target of 50:50 to do so by 2015. The SADC
                  Gender  Monitor  2013 released  during  the  Summit  shows  that  women
                  representation in parliaments in SADC Member States ranges from a high
                  of more than 40 percent to a low of 10 percent.

                  Zimbabwe Constitution and Elections
                  The Summit noted the holding of free and peaceful harmonised elections in Zimbabwe
                  on  31July  2013,  following  a  constitutional  process  that  resulted  in  the  approval  by
                  referendum of a new Constitution on 22 May 2013, and reiterated its call for the lifting
                  of all forms of sanctions.

                  Deployment of SADC Intervention Brigade to DRC
                  The 33 Summit welcomed the deployment of the SADC Intervention Brigade in the
                  DRC to contain the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in the eastern
                  part of the country. Summit commended the signing of the Peace, Security and
                  Cooperation Framework for DRC and the Region in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 24
                  February 2013 and the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 2098 of
                  2013 which provides the mandate for deployment of the Intervention Brigade under
                  the auspices of MONUSCO.
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