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2012-2013      The 32 SADC Summit was held in Maputo, Mozambique on 18 August
                                2012, hosted and chaired by President Armando Emílio Guebuza.

                                Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan
                                The 32 SADC Summit adopted the Regional Infrastructure Development Master
                                Plan Vision 2027 to be implemented over a 15-year period 2013-2027. This will provide
                                a key strategic framework to guide the implementation of efficient, seamless and cost-
                                                                                                                                                                                        effective trans-boundary infrastructure networks in an integrated manner in the six

                                                                                                            sectors of Energy, Transport, Tourism, ICT and Postal, Meteorology, and Water.

                                Development of Vision 2050
                                SADC will develop a long-term vision based on the existing SADC Vision as articulated
                                in the Treaty and the RISDP. The Summit proposed to strengthen this foundation by
                                incorporating the emerging regional and international issues. The idea to develop  a SADC
                                Vision 2050 was initiated during an Extraordinary Summit in Angola in June 2012.
                                HIV and AIDS
                                The Summit urged Member States to fully support the
                                SADC HIV and AIDS cross-border initiative for providing
                                preventive, care and treatment services at major cross-
                                border points, and other regional programmes.
                                Protocols and other Legal Instruments
        62                      Summit approved and signed three legal instruments: Protocol on Trade in Services;
                                Agreement on Assistance in Tax Matters; and Declaration on Tuberculosis in the Mining
                                Sector. The primary objective of the Protocol on Trade in Services is to level the playing
                                field among SADC members by ensuring that industries and consumers take advantage
                                of a single regional services market.

                                SADC Tribunal
                                The SADC Tribunal, which was established in 2005 when judges were appointed, was
                                suspended by the 2010 Summit in Namibia which decided that a review should be
                                undertaken. Based on this review, the 2012 Summit in Mozambique resolved that a new
                                Tribunal should be negotiated with a mandate confined to interpretation of the SADC
                                Treaty and Protocols relating to disputes between Member States.
                                SADC Standby Force to Eastern DRC
                                An  Extra-Ordinary  Summit  held  in  Dar  es  Salaam,  United  Republic  of  Tanzania
                                on 7-8 December 2012, hosted and chaired by President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, affirmed
                                that SADC as a block will deploy the SADC Standby Force to Eastern DRC under auspices
                                of the Neutral International Force (NIF), to which the United Republic of Tanzania and
                                the Republic of South Africa pledged one battalion and logistics support respectively, and
                                agreed to engage the African Union Peace and Security Council and United Nations
                                Security Council for Support to the deployment and sustenance.
                                Report on Customs Union
                                The Summit received a report from the Ministerial Task Force on Regional Economic
                                Integration on key elements for the Customs Union, including the parameters, benchmarks
                                and a model Customs Union for SADC, including the sequencing of activities.
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