Page 54 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 54

In the area of Trade in Services, even        The competitiveness of the goods and
                             though the Protocol has not entered into  services produced in SADC for the internal
                             force, considerable work has been done, with  and  external  markets  must  prove  the
                             the first phase of negotiations having been  comparative advantage of the region in the
                             concluded. This phase involved 14 Member  priority  sectors  stated  in  the  SADC
                             States except Angola and Comoros, where  Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. In
                             services offer in the six priority sectors of  this  regard,  data-collection  surveys  have
                             Communication,  Construction,  Energy,  been  commissioned  and  a  number  of
                             Financial,  Tourism  and  Transport  were  regional  frameworks,  guidelines  and
                             negotiated.                            databases are being developed in the areas
                                    Although these offers were approved by  of science, technology and innovation; non-
                             the 19th Committee of Ministers on Trade  tariff barriers; industrialisation policy; and
                             (CMT)  in  Windhoek,  Namibia  in  June  in trade.
                             2019,  Phase  II  of  Trade  in  Services        Whilst laying the necessary legislative
                             negotiations is yet to begin. It will include  frameworks,  the  directorate  has  also
                             the  remaining  six  sectors,  as  the  World  engaged in personnel capacitation in both
                             Trade Organization aggregates services into  policy  implementation  and  technical
                             12 sectors.                            expertise.  The  Covid-19  pandemic  has
                                    Currently, the priority is on Health and  moved the modus operandi from physical
                             Social  Related  Services,  Distribution  to virtual meetings and workshops. Surveys
                             Services  (logistics)  and  Professional  that were carried out in the last 12 months
                             Services. Other sectors being considered are  were done through desktop collection and
                             educational, sporting and recreational, as  analysis of primary and secondary data.
                             well as environmental services.              While coming with challenges on the
                                    Services will play a very important role  need  for  technological  upgrades  for  the
                             in  the  implementation  of  the  SADC  directorate and the stakeholders in Member
                             Industrialisation  Strategy  and  Roadmap.  States, the advantage is that the capacity-
                             The  entry  into  force  of  the  Protocol  on  building  initiatives  that  have  been  done
       52                    Industry will require all these instruments  virtually, have attracted greater participation
                             for realisation of the anticipated outcomes
                                                                    because of the elimination of the cost of
                             of the strategy and action plan. The major  travelling and accommodation.
                             achievements   in  relation  to  the         The Directorate has trained 18 small-
                             industrialisation of the region has profiled  scale farmers from 12 Member States in
                             close to 40 potential regional value chains,  Phytosanitary Compliance principles and
                             23 of which are in aquatic products.   capabilities. This is still to be followed by
                                    To  lay  a  firm  foundation  for  the  training in compliance with food safety and
                             cooperation of SADC Member States on   animal heath standards. The compliance to
                             these identified value chains, there is need  standards  is  assessed  by  conformity
                             for industrial policy harmonisation across  assessment  bodies  which  consist  of
                             the  Member  States.  In  this  regard,  139  laboratories,  inspections  bodies  and
                             industry officers in 13 SADC Member States  certification  bodies  against  conformity
                             were successfully trained on the programme  assessment  standards  namely;  ISO/IEC
                             for  Enhancing  the  Quality  of  Industrial  17025  (laboratories),  ISO/IEC 17020
                             Policies (EQUIP). This is intended to build  (inspectors), ISO/IEC 17021 (certification
                             the capacities of Member States to develop  bodies),  respectively.  Following  the  first
                             sound  policies  including  the  ability  to  phase  of  the  training  of  55  laboratory
                             harmonise their industrial policies, in the  personnel  done  under  the  REIS
                             interests of ensuring the seamless operation  programme,  the  trade  facilitation
                             of regional value chains.              programme  subsequently  trained  35
                                    The operationalisation of the regional  laboratories, resulting in a 120 laboratory
                             value  chains  will  be  preceded  by  the  capacitated  personnel  in  the  2020/21
                             formation of the necessary clusters which  financial year.
                             will be accompanied by the establishment of        Once the conformity assessment bodies
                             the necessary institutions that will form the  have  fully  implemented  the  relevant
                             cluster into a self-sustainable ecosystem that  standards, they further have to be accredited
                             will  be  highly  productive  and  reduce  to attest to their competence in delivering
                             unemployment and poverty.              conformity assessment services. The SADC
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