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infrastructure projects in energy, transport, ICT and  Institutions against the PSGRS. A total of five SADC
                        transboundary  water.  This  directly  supports  the  DFIs have been rated among the top and these are
                        region’s integration and industrialization efforts as  the Development Bank for Southern Africa (DBSA),
                        well as trade in goods and services; and helps to  the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC), the
                        improve the quality of life of its people by improving  Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe
                        access to infrastructure services.          (IDBZ), the Export Development Fund of Malawi;
                                   At end March 2021, the PPDF had approved a  and  the  Agricultural  Bank  of  Namibia
                        total  of  US$20.9  million  (after  savings  and  (AGRIBANK).
                        cancellations) for the preparation of 11 regional
                        projects  covering  energy,  transport  and  water  Macroeconomic Stability and Convergence
                        sectors, which are expected to generate at least US$3  An assessment of economic performance for 2020
                        billion in infrastructure investment. This has a huge  and progress on the implementation of peer review
                        potential of unlocking business opportunities across  recommendations was conducted in  July 2021. In
                        the “infrastructure value chain”, not just in advisory  addition, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
                        services, but also financing, construction, equipment  economic  performance was also reviewed.
                        supply, technology and skills as well as operations  According to preliminary estimates, the number of
                        and maintenance.                            Member States that achieved the primary targets
                                   The 11 regional projects are: Second Alaska  (inflation, fiscal deficit and public debt) declined to
                        Sherwood (Zimbabwe); Rehabilitation and upgrade  two in 2020 (Madagascar and United Republic of
                        of the North South Rail Corridor (South Africa,  Tanzania)  from  five  in  2019  (DRC,  Madagascar,
                        Zimbabwe, Zambia and DRC); Kasomeno -Mwenda  Lesotho, Seychelles and Tanzania). This is largely
                        Toll Road (Zambia); Angola-Namibia Transmission  due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic which
                        Interconnector 1 (Angola and Namibia); Mulembo  resulted in unprecedented economic decline coupled
                        Lelya Hydro Electric Power (Zambia); Africa Green  with high fiscal deficits and public debt due to high
                        Co projects (all Member States); Development of  pandemic related expenditures while the revenue
                        Guidelines and Standards for Renewable Energy  base contracted.
                        Projects  and  a  Funding  and  Incentive  Strategy          The  peer  reviews  were  conducted  in  March
                        Project (Mauritius); Angola -Namibia Transmission  2021 despite restrictions on travel. A total of seven
       58               Interconnector 2 (Angola and Namibia); Lomahasha  Member States were involved in the peer reviews
                                                                    which  were  conducted  virtually.  Zimbabwe,
                        - Namaacha Cross Border Water Supply (Eswatini
                        and Mozambique); Kazungula Water Supply and  Namibia  and  Angola  were  reviewed  by  Malawi,
                        Sanitation  Project  (Zambia);  and  Mauritius  Mauritius and a joint team from Mozambique and
                        Wastewater  Pumping  Station  and  Wastewater  Eswatini, respectively.
                        Treatment Plant (Mauritius).
                                   The status on signature and ratification of the  Investment and Tax Related Matters
                        SADC Regional Development Fund (SADC RDF)   SADC Regional Action Programme for Investment
                        has not changed. A total of nine Member States  have  Implementation  of  the  SADC  Regional  Action
                        signed the Agreement -- Angola, DRC, Eswatini,  Programme for Investment (RAPI) was reviewed in
                        Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia  February 2021 by the SADC Investment
                        and  Zimbabwe.  None  of  the  Member  States  has  Subcommittee.    RAPI  is  aimed  at  establishing  a
                        deposited instruments of ratification with the  conducive environment to attract both domestic and
                        Secretariat.  In  order  to  advance  the   Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the region.
                        operationalization of the SADC RDF, the SADC  Most of the investment treaties have been affected
                        Secretariat is in the process of recruiting a  by the COVID-19 pandemic, as such, through Peer-
                        consultancy  firm  to  recommend  on  the  full  to-Peer Learning Mechanism the Member States
                        operationalisation of the Fund. The consultancy  exchanged information on how and why investment
                        assignment will review Member States’ challenges in  treaties and laws can lead to potential Investors-
                        ratifying  the  SADC  RDF  Agreement  as  well  as  States  Dispute  Settlement  (ISDS)  claims  against
                        proposing suitable approaches for fast-tracking the  governments in the wake of the crisis and proposed
                        operationalisation of the fund.             options to mitigate such risks.
                                   Since the adoption of the Prudential Standards,
                        Guidelines  and  Rating  System  (PSGRS)  by  the  SADC Business and Investment Promotion
                        SADC  Development  Finance  Institutions  (DFI)  Strategy
                        Network;,  and  the  subsequent  endorsement  by  Development of a SADC Business and Investment
                        Ministers in 2015, the SADC-DFRC has ensured  Promotion Strategy (BIPS) was finalized in 2020. The
                        implementation of the programme by providing for  SADC BIPS will allow SADC to explore opportunities
                        DFI self-assessment and peer review on an annual  to showcase its programmes and regional projects to
                        basis. A total of 35 SADC DFI’s have participated in  various key decision-makers from around the world
                        the exercise since its inception. SADC DFIs  who are willing to engage in sustainable partnerships;
                        Network,  at  its  meeting  in  December  2020,  and further benefit from a variety of features aimed at
                        considered compliance of Development Financial  facilitating  strategic  networking  and  promoting
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