Page 57 - 41st Summit Brochure
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improving the general overall quality of output in  SADCAS model, a concept developed by a group
              an economy. The theme can also act as a trigger for  of experts from the SADC region.
              evolution,  and  to  ensure  that  accreditation
              continues to be relevant in the face of ever more  SADCAS  services  the  accreditation  needs  of  14
              rapid technological innovations, the impact of the  SADC Member States namely: Angola; Botswana;
              4th Industrial Revolution and the threats posed by  Comoros; Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC);
              climate change, pollution, and the diminution of  Eswatini;  Lesotho;  Madagascar;  Malawi;
              resources.                                Mozambique;  Namibia;  Seychelles;  Tanzania;
                                                        Zambia;  and  Zimbabwe.  SADCAS  provides
              Resources such as and  accreditation services to organizations that perform
     will support  calibration,  testing  including  medical  testing,
              events,  press  and  television  coverage,  and  inspection,  certification  (personnel,  product  and
              workshops  and  seminars  taking  place  in  management systems) and those that provide legal
              conjunction  with  the  celebration  of  World  metrology services against international standards.
              Accreditation Day in over 100 economies to raise  SADCAS will broaden its scope of accreditation as
              awareness of the value that accreditation plays in  needs arise. SADCAS also offers training services on
              supporting the implementation of the SDGs. World  accreditation related activities. Six (6) out of eight (8)
              Accreditation  Day  2021  enables  the  IAF  accreditation  schemes  offered  by  SADCAS  are
              (, the ILAC ( and their  internationally recognized.  Hence the accreditation
              members to highlight the role of accreditation in  certificates  issued  by  SADCAS  for
              supporting the implementation of SDGs.    testing/calibration/medical laboratories, inspection
                                                        bodies and management systems certification bodies’
              The Southern African Development Community  accreditation   schemes and the sub-scopes quality
              Accreditation  Service  (SADCAS)  is  a  multi-  /environmental/occupational  health  and  safety
              economy accreditation body established in terms  managements systems are recognized worldwide thus
              of Article 15 B of the Technical Barriers to Trade  removing  the  need  for  repetitive  conformity  55
              (TBT) Annex to the SADC Protocol on Trade  assessment  checks.  Effectively  this  means  that
              with  the  primary  purpose  of  ensuring  that  through  internationally  recognized  accreditation
              conformity  assessment  service  providers  SADC Member States serviced by SADCAS have
              operating in those SADC Member States which  better access to foreign markets – A truly global
              do  not  have  national  accreditation  bodies  are  reach!
              subject to an oversight by an authoritative body.
              Typically, in the developed world, each country  SADCAS is now in its 13th year of operation and
              has its own accreditation body but within the  accreditations continue to grow in terms of field and
              SADC region considering the cost of establishing  scope of accreditation, sectorial coverage and also in
              and sustaining such a body and further taking  terms of geographical diversity having issued 194
              into account the limited financial and human  accreditation certificates to 160  accredited facilities
              resources, the region decided to establish one  in  13  SADC  Member  States  and  2  non-SADC
              accreditation  body  which  services  the  Countries Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire by 30 June 2021.
              accreditation needs of a number of countries.  At the same time, SADCAS had 70 accreditation
              Over the years, SADCAS the first multi economy  applications from 10 SADC Member States at the
              accreditation body in the world has proved to be  various  stages  of  processing.  SADCAS  had
              a  viable,  cost  effective  and  sustainable  model  cumulatively conducted 214 training courses in all
              which optimizes limited financial and human  SADC Member States as part of its efforts to develop
              resources.  A  number  of  other  regions  in  the  capacity  of  conformity  assessment  bodies  for
              world  such  as  the  Gulf  region,  Economic  accreditation.  SADCAS services are focused on the
              Community of West African States (ECOWAS),  priority sectors for development in selected value
              have  benchmarked  on  the  “home  grown”  chains as identified in the SADC Industrial Policy.

                          For more informa on please visit the SADCAS website
                                 The Na onal Accredita on Focal Point in your country

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