Page 59 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 59

Real Time Payment Systems                (ESAAMLG)  Task  Force  of  Senior  Officials
                  As of July 2021, a total of 84 participating banks,  adopted  two  AML/CFT  Mutual  Evaluation
                  from  the  15  SADC  Member  States  (except  Reports  on  Tanzania  and  Mozambique,  and
                  Comoros), were electronically linked to effect cross-  further discussed and adopted 12 Post Evaluation
                  border payments and settlements in real time. From  Progress/Follow  up  Reports  for  Botswana,
                  July  2013  to  July  2021,  the  total  number  of  Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi,
                  transactions settled was 2,201,034 representing the  Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, Zambia
                  value of ZAR 8.56 Trillion (equivalent to US$ 588.19  and  Zimbabwe,  and  the  High  Level  Mission
                  billion).                                Progress Reports of Lesotho and Rwanda. The
                             Following the successful launch of the SADC-  Task Force also discussed the three follow-up
                  RTGS in July 2013, the region has embarked on the  reports with re-ratings of Botswana, Ethiopia and
                  implementation of several key initiatives pertaining  Zimbabwe.
                  to the regional payment, clearing and settlement
                  systems, including the Mobile-initiated Low Value  Financial Inclusion and Remittances
                  Credit Transfers Cleared on an Immediate Basis  In the area of financial inclusion, 68 percent of
                  (TCIB).  This  retail  payments  initiative  aims  at  adults  in  the  region  are  financially  included
                  creating  an  efficient,  safe,  harmonised  and  against the target of 75 percent by 2021. In terms
                  integrated payments system in the region to further  of gender split, 67 percent of female adults are
                  reduce cross-border remittance costs across the  financially included while the rate is 70 percent
                  SADC  region  as  well  as  to  enhance  financial  for male. As per the decision of the Ministers of
                  inclusion. The soft launch and testing of TCIB were  Finance  and  Investment  at  their  meeting  in
                  successfully completed in 2019.          Namibia  in  July  2019,  the  SADC  Financial
                            As a result, the SADC Regional Clearing and  Inclusion Subcommittee was operationalised.
                  Settlement  System   Operator  (RCSO)              SADC continues to implement a number of
                  (BankservAfrica Limited) was onboarded in 2020  initiatives which will further reduce the average
                  to manage the SADC TCIB payment scheme. A  cost of cross-border remittances in the SADC
                  number of non-banks are joining the scheme, as  region to below the G20 target of five percent. For
                  the  SADC  Payment  System  Subcommittee  is  example,  given  the  success  of  the  Shoprite
                  engaging with participants on the SADC RTGS to  remittance product to Lesotho, a similar    57
                  sponsor  these  non-banks  to  settle  obligations  approach was launched in Eswatini in January
                  arising from the TCIB. In addition, boarding of  2020. This new bank-retailer product aims to
                  regional currencies on the SADC RTGS multi-  serve low-value remitters in the South Africa-
                  currency platform which went live in October  Eswatini corridor and costs less than 3 percent
                  2018, is ongoing.                        on a price point of US$55. New products have
                                                           also been introduced between South Africa and
                  Capital and Financial Markets            Malawi,  Zambia,  DRC  and  Zimbabwe.  In
                  In 2019, a tool was developed for monitoring the  addition, due to travel restrictions and closure of
                  implementation of the centralization of the bond  borders  caused  by  the  COVID-19  pandemic,
                  markets in the SADC region, and progress on the  significant informal remittances were diverted to
                  centralization  of  secondary  bond  trading  on  the formal channels resulting in an increase of
                  SADC Exchanges is being monitored through a  31.4 percent in formal cross-border remittances.
                  scorecard matrix.                        The total number of transactions (South Africa
                            Work is underway to assess and diagnose the  outbound) was estimated at 851,441 in June 2020
                  SADC Capital Market architecture. The assessment  against 648,110 in June 2019.
                  will define a baseline for harmonization of capital            Following  further  guidance  from  the
                  markets in the region and assess the trading rules  Ministers of Finance and Investment at their
                  and type of products available in the region. This  meeting  in  July  2019,  three  Members  States
                  will assist in the development of products to enable  (Eswatini,  Lesotho  and  Malawi)  have  been
                  SMEs to participate in the capital markets.  assisted with regard to the domestication of the
                            SADC is in the process of operationalising  SADC Mobile Money Guidelines. Malawi has
                  the SADC Stock Exchanges Interconnectivity Hub  started paying interest on mobile money wallets.
                  which will provide for a wider range of participants’
                  access  to  the  trading  screens  of  the  member  Development Finance
                  exchanges, through a Smart Order Router (SOR)  With regard to project preparation, the SADC
                  system that will allow brokers to channel orders to  Project Preparation Development Facility (SADC-
                  other Stock Exchanges, where they would still be  PPDF) continues to support Member States to
                  traded and settled locally.              strengthen regional infrastructure connectivity by
                            The  41st  Meeting  of  the  Eastern  and  providing  grants  for  project  preparation  and
                  Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group  development  for  cross-border  regional
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