Page 58 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 58

•  Promotion of a conducive intra-SADC
                           DIRECTORATE OF FINANCE,                          and Foreign Direct Investment
                           INVESTMENT AND CUSTOMS                           environment covering tax
                                                                            coordination and related matters.
                                                                            Investment, both domestic and foreign,
                                                                            is a critical factor in addressing the
                           The mandate of the Finance, Investment and       supply-side constraints and enhancing
                           Customs (FIC) Directorate is to facilitate trade  economic competitiveness in the
                           and financial liberalisation and the creation of  SADC region. Under this KRA, the
                           an  enabling  environment  for  investment,      Regional Action Programme on
                           contributing  to  deeper  regional  economic     Investment will continue to be
                           integration,  inclusive  growth  and  poverty    implemented. Effective
                           eradication. The activities of the Directorate are  implementation of the programme will
                           guided by the three strategic objectives of Pillar 1:  reduce barriers to doing business in the
                           Industrial Development and Market Integration    region and lead to increased
                           of the RISDP 2020-2030, as follows:              investment flows in SADC.
                           v Deepened regional market integration
                              which is connected into the continental
                              and global markets;                    ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS
                           v Deepened financial market integration,
                              monetary cooperation, and investment;
                           v Enhanced macroeconomic stability and
                              convergence.                           Trade Facilitation and Customs
                                 FIC has four Key Result Areas (KRA):  SADC Simplified Trade Regime Framework
                                •  Enhancing intra and extra SADC    SADC  Regional  Customs  Transit  Guarantee
                                  trade through market integration,  Regulations
                                  trade facilitation and customs     Aimed at facilitating intra and extra SADC Trade,
                                  cooperation, and conclusion of     these were finalised and considered by the Joint
                                  international trade agreements. This  Meeting of the SADC Sub Committee on Customs
       56                         KRA is shared with the Directorate of  Cooperation (SCCC) and the Sub-Committee on
                                  Industrial Development and Trade as  Trade Facilitation held in September 2020, which
                                  it focuses on Customs and Trade    recommended  them  for  adoption  by  the
                                  Facilitation. The main objective is to  Committee  of  Ministers  on  Trade  (CMT)  in
                                  enhance internal and external SADC  June/July 2021.
                                  trade through consolidation of the
                                  SADC Free Trade Area.              Border Posts Assessment Study
                                                                     This was conducted for the Nakonde/Tunduma
                                •  Enhancement of regional financial  border posts between Zambia and Tanzania and
                                  and monetary cooperation and       Songwe/Kasumulu border posts between Malawi
                                  mobilisation of regional development  and  Tanzania.  The  study,  conducted  from
                                  finance. The aim of this KRA is to  December  2020  to  March  2021,  aimed  at
                                  develop and strengthen financial and  improving  the  efficiency  and  effectiveness  in
                                  capital markets through improvement  clearing passengers, goods and means of transport
                                  and harmonisation of banking and   at border posts. The report of the assessment will
                                  financial systems, laws and procedures.  be submitted to CMT in June/July 2021.
                                  This will ensure the operational
                                  efficiency of Central Banks as well as  E-Certificate of Origin Framework
                                  their independence in the          This  was  developed  and  approved.  The  E-
                                  implementation of monetary policy.  certificate  will  facilitate  application  of  the
                                                                     Certificate of Origin electronically, thus easing
                                •  Achievement and sustenance of     cross-border trade. The Framework will be piloted
                                  macroeconomic stability and        in  six  Member  States  that  submitted  progress
                                  convergence. The objective of this  reports  on  their  readness  for  piloting  the
                                  KRA is to facilitate the           Electronic  Certificate  of  Origin  (e-CoO)  --
                                  implementation of the SADC         Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania
                                  Macroeconomic Convergence          and Zambia. The Implementation Manual of the
                                  Programme in order to ensure       e-CoO  was  developed  and  training  on
                                  conditions for sustainable growth  implementation  of  the  eCoO  Framework  was
                                  while advancing the regional       conducted in March 2021. The launch of eCoO
                                  economic integration process.      transmission is scheduled for September 2021.
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