Page 72 - 41st Summit Brochure
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Radio  communication  Conference  2023
                             ICT SECTOR                             (WRC-23) started with the convening of the
                                                                    First  SADC  Preparatory  Meeting  in  July
                                                                    2020. The SADC institutional structure for
                             SADC Internet Exchange Points          WRC-23  was  established  with  the
                             As  of  September  2020,  the  SADC    appointment  of  Tanzania  as  the  SADC
                             monitoring  and  evaluation  for  Internet  Chairperson for the WRC-23 process as well
                             Exchange  Points  (IXPs)  Implementation  as Chapter Coordinators and Rapporteurs
                             recorded a total of 26 IXPs in the region and  for each WRC-23 Agenda Item.
                             this corresponds to 57 percent share of the  The SADC Roadmap for RA-23/WRC-
                             46  IXPs  in  Africa.  South  Africa  and  23,  which  guides  the  SADC  preparatory
                             Tanzania each have six IXPs, Angola, DRC  process was also developed. The meeting
                             and  Zimbabwe  each  have  two  while  prepared  the  region’s  nominations  for
                             Botswana,  Lesotho,  Madagascar,  Malawi,  leadership  positions  to  the  African
                             Mauritius,  Mozambique,  Namibia  and  Telecommunications Union (ATU) WRC-
                             Zambia all have one.                   23 Working Groups and the First Africa
                                     The IXPs have played a critical role in  Preparatory Meeting for WRC-23 (APM23-
                             the performance of internet access to scale  1).  The  following  were  developed  and
                             up, adapt and remain resilient through the  validated:
                             COVID-19 pandemic. There are four IXPs  •  SADC Frequency Allocation Plan
                             (DRC,  Namibia,  South  Africa  and       (FAP) 2020 and Country Radio
                             Zimbabwe) which are already peering with  Regulations (RR) Footnotes;
                             large number of foreign ISPs, thus making  •  Framework for Harmonisation of
                             them Advanced IXPs.                       Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum for
                                     The SADC Roadmap and Guidelines   PPDR; and
       70                    for Transformation to Advanced IXPs has  •  Report of Frequency Modulation

                             been developed to assist Member States in  (FM) study of the 75.2-87.5 MHz
                             attracting  Content  Delivery  Network    band.
                             (CDNs)  to  the  SADC  region  to  further  The  Second  SADC  Preparatory
                             enhance  the  Internet.  SADC  Masterclass  Meeting for WRC-23 convened in March
                             Sessions  were  introduced  to  strengthen  2021  resulted  in  the  preparation  of  the
                             capacity of Member States on best practices  SADC preliminary positions for WRC-23.
                             of Advanced IXPs.                      It  included  a  seminar  which  created
                                     There are currently 111 Root Domain  awareness and strengthened the capacity of
                             Name System (DNS) Server Instances in  Member  States  on  Electromagnetic
                             Africa. Of these, 53 are from SADC. All  Frequency (EMF) Guidelines, the SADC 5G
                             SADC Member States have at least one Root  Roadmap, Deployment, Exposure and 5G
                             DNS  Server  instances,  except  Comoros,  Misinformation/Conspiracy,  the
                             Eswatini and Zambia which are expected to  International Commission on Non-Ionizing
                             have them in place by December 2021. Root  Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guideline
                             DNS servers that are closer to Internet users  (2020) was introduced to Member States.
                             improve  the  speed  of  DNS  services  and
                             more Root DNS server instances provide  SADC Harmonized Cyber Security Legal
                             greater  stability  and  resilience  to  the  and Regulatory Framework
                             Internet.                              The SADC Harmonized Cybersecurity Legal
                                                                    and Regulatory Framework of 2012 consists
                             SADC Preparations for World Radio      of  three  Model  Laws  --  E-Commerce/E-
                             Communications Conference              Transaction  Model  Law;  Data  Protection
                             SADC’s preparations for the International  Model  Law;  and
                             Telecommunication  Union  (ITU)  World  Cybercrime
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