Page 99 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 99


                  The 26th meeting of the Regional Adjudication Committee (RAC) on the SADC Media Awards was
                  held virtually on 28 – 30 June 2021.  It was attended by adjudicators from 13 SADC Member States --
                  Angola,  Botswana,  Democratic  Republic  of  Congo,  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  Madagascar,  Malawi,
                  Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
                     The annual SADC Media Awards were launched in 1996 with the objective to promote regional
                  integration through information dissemination as well as to promote journalism excellence in the
                  region. The winners in various categories are shown below.  The SADC Media Awards are open to
                  journalists from all

                               PRINT JOURNALISM CATEGORY                      TELEVISION JOURNALISM CATEGORY
                                Mr. José Luís Mendonça from Angola            The award for the Television Category
                               won the first prize for his entry which fo-    was won by Ms. Jabulile Binauli from
                               cused on the promotion of SADC re-             Malawi for her entry on Malawi and
                               gional integration from a cultural and         Mozambique strengthening their bilat-
                               civilizational perspective. The article dis-   eral ties in the context of SADC re-
                               cusses a cultural isolation syndrome be-       gional  cooperation  and  integration,
                              tween the nations of Southern Africa, and     following the meeting of the Presidents
                  appeals to African embassies in SADC to become agents of  of Malawi and Mozambique.
                  change and promote cultural exchange.
                                                               Mr.  Emmanuel  Munyaradzi  Chamal-             97
                                                               imba from Zimbabwe was awarded the
                  The runner-up in this category is Mr.        second prize for his entry which high-
                  Shabani Thamani from Botswana whose          lights the need for peace and harmony
                  entry highlights how the Kazungula Ferry     in the trucking industry for the promo-
                  contributed towards the SADC regional        tion of trade and economic growth of
                  integration agenda by transporting peo-      the SADC region.
                  ple and goods between Botswana and
                  Zambia across the Zambezi River before
                  the construction of the Kazungula Bridge.

                                                                              PHOTO JOURNALISM CATEGORY
                                                                              Mr.  Gaseitsiwe  Moruakgomo  from
                               RADIO JOURNALISM CATEGORY                      Botswana was awarded the first prize
                               The first prize winner is Mr. Horácio          for his photo entry on Botswana and
                               Romão from Mozambique for his entry            Zambia Ministers making final inspec-
                               on the impact of the adoption of the           tion of the Kazungula Bridge before it
                               SADC biometric driving license on the          was opened for business.
                               region’s economy.

                                                                 Mr.  Patrick  O’Leary  from  South
                  Ms.  Auleria  Gabriel  from  Tanzania  was     Africa is the runner-up for his photo
                  awarded the second prize for her entry on the  entry  on  the  challenges  faced  by
                  arrival of the new MV Space Amani ship         truckers across the borders during
                  from the DRC to Kigoma Port and how it will    the early days of the outbreak of the
                  facilitate the smooth transportation of goods  COVID-19 pandemic.
                  to Kigoma region of Tanzania.
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