Page 98 - 41st Summit Brochure
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MoU on Basic Principles of Relations and  the African Development Bank (AfDB), and
                            Cooperation  signed  in  October  2018.  the  Tripartite  Agreement  between  SADC,
                            Operationalizing these MoUs is intended to  AfDB and WHO worth Six Million Units of
                            strengthen cooperation and will form the  Account (UA 6,000,000) signed in August
                            basis  of  deliberations  during  the  Russia-  2020 to assist in financing the Support to the
                            Africa Summit scheduled in 2022.       COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Response in the
                                   Russia has expressed interest to expand  SADC Region.
                            cooperation  into  other  sectors  such  as         The  objective  of  the  agreement  is  to
                            agriculture,  rail  infrastructure,  nuclear  support the procurement and distribution of
                            energy, education and medical supplies.   medical supplies and equipment in response
                                   SADC continues to engage with Russia and  to COVID-19 in the SADC region.
                            a proposal has been made to convene political         SADC-AfDB Cooperation continues to
                            consultations to discuss measures to be taken  implement  activities  in  line  with  the
                            in countering the effects of COVID-19. It is  Multinational  Protocol  of  Agreement
                            also  expected  that  the  proposed  political  between SADC and AfDB signed in August
                            consultations between SADC and Russia will  2019  (UA  1.5  million),  to  enable
                            provide  an  overview  of  SADC  and  Russia  implementation  of  the  project  on
                            Development  Priorities,  and  discuss  other  “Sustainable  Financing  of  Regional
                            issues such as COVID-19 Impact and Recovery  Infrastructure  and  Industrial  Projects  in
                            Strategies; Peace and Security issues focusing  SADC”  and  help  accelerate  the  SADC
                            on  Strategies  and  Mechanisms  Toward  Regional  Integration  Agenda  through
                            Countering  Terrorism;  and  SADC-Russia  development  of  SADC     regional
       96                   Investment  Priorities  (the  Role  of  Private  infrastructure  projects;  SADC
                            Sector and Business in Regional Integration).  Industrialization  Strategy  and  Roadmap;
                                                                   SADC  Regional  Development  Fund;  and
                            Collaboration with China               development of financial instruments.
                            The  SADC  Secretariat  has  continued  to
                            engage  with  the  Embassy  of  the  People’s  SADC-ICP Dialogue
                            Republic of China in Gaborone to discuss the  The  SADC-International  Cooperation
                            actions agreed in the Framework Agreement  Partners  Dialogue  remains  an  essential
                            on  Economy,  Trade,  Investment  and  platform for engaging with the ICPs to ensure
                            Technical Cooperation between SADC and  that development cooperation is undertaken
                            the Government of the People’s Republic of  in  a  coherent  manner  that  promotes
                            China signed in October 2019, and enable  ownership,  accountability,  harmonization,
                            implementation  of  activities  of  mutual  mutual trust and respect, and transparency
                            interests that will promote SADC regional  in  the  implementation  of  development
                            integration agenda in line with the RISDP  initiatives.
                            2020-2030.                                    The Secretariat, in accordance with the
                                   China  also  continued  to  extend  an  provisions  of  the  Windhoek  Declaration
                            annual grant of US$100,000 to support the  (2006)  and  the  SADC-ICP  Partnership
                            SADC Secretariat on its operational needs,  Statement  (2012),  convened  a  SADC-ICP
                            using  a  programme  approach  that  shall  Dialogue Platform Meeting on 20 November
                            enable  the  Secretariat  to  attend  to  urgent  2020.
                            requirements and implement programmes         The  Dialogue  Platform  discussed  the
                            and activities that are in line with the SADC  Vision  2050  and  RISDP  2020-2030  as
                            Council Decisions and SADC priorities.  approved by the SADC Council of August
                                                                   2020, the impact of COVID-19 in the SADC
                            Engagement  with  African  Development  Region, Food Security Outlook, and COVID-
                            Bank                                   19  Recovery  (including  green  recovery
                            The  SADC  Secretariat  has  concluded  the  initiatives) and considered an update on the
                            Protocol of Agreement between SADC and  work of SADC-ICP Thematic Groups.
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