Page 97 - 41st Summit Brochure
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objective is to expand regional integration,  Cooperation with Germany
                  increase  economic  growth  and  reduce  The SADC Secretariat and the Government
                  poverty  through   trade  facilitation,  of the Federal Republic of Germany on 11
                  promotion of competitive and diversified  June  2021  held  bilateral  negotiations  on
                  industrial  development,  investment   development  cooperation  and  agreed  on
                  promotion, and enhancement of market and  priority areas to include:
                  economic integration.                   •  Regional Economic Integration;
                         Programmes supporting SADC regional  •  Transboundary Water Management;
                  integration account for €189.6 million, of  •  Transboundary Natural Resource
                  which €118 million is directly targeting the  Management and Resilience to
                  regional economic integration agenda. The  Climate Change;
                  additional EU cooperation with SADC is  •  Disaster Risk Management; and
                  aimed at fostering peace, regional stability,  Strengthening National-Regional
                  democratic governance and accountability  Linkages (SNRL); and
                  across  the  region;  increasing  capacity  •  Support towards the Study and Expert
                  building;  and  addressing  climate  change  Fund that will support emerging
                  issues.                                   strategic matters.
                         Following the successful commitment         Germany  committed  an  additional
                  of all Contribution Agreements under the  support of €20 million for both technical
                  Sub-Regional  Envelope  of  the  11th  EDF  and financial cooperation.
                  Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) in the         The  agreed  areas  of  cooperation  are
                  Financial  Year  2019/20,  the  SADC   aligned  and  respond  to  SADC  priorities
                  Secretariat  has  proceeded  with  the  outlined in the SADC’s Vision 2050 and the
                  implementation  of  various  programmes,  RISDP 2020-2030, and are geared towards
                  including  programmes    under   the   achieving  SADC’s  main  objective  of
                  Infrastructure Envelope and the Intra-ACP  promoting sustainable economic growth,
                  Strategy Paper and Indicative Programme.   socio-economic development, and poverty
                         The  Secretariat  further  held  bilateral  eradication.
                  sector consultations with the EU Delegation         In addition, Germany provided support   95
                  and provided technical comments on the  to the SADC Secretariat and SADC Member
                  priorities and components identified in the  States  with  additional  measures  for  the
                  2021-2027    Multiannual   Indicative  prevention and management of the negative
                  Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa (MIP  effects of COVID-19 in the SADC region,
                  SSA) and continued to engage bilaterally  through interventions covering a number of
                  with the EU and other EU Member States to  sectors that are in line with SADC priorities
                  maintain the momentum of development   and the aforementioned areas of focus of
                  cooperation.                           SADC-Germany Cooperation.

                  Trilateral  Engagement  with  Germany,  SADC-Russia Cooperation
                  France and EU                          Cooperation  between  SADC  and  the
                  The Secretariat held trilateral engagements  Russian  Federation  is  based  on  the
                  with the Embassies of Germany, France and  implementation of the MoU between the
                  EU  on  31  August  2020 to  exchange  Government of the Russian Federation and
                  technical views on the proposed priorities  the SADC in the Area of Military-Technical
                  of the post-2020 Joint Africa-EU Strategy.    Cooperation signed in July 2018, and the
                  The  Secretariat  further  held  bilateral
                  meetings  with  the  Senior  Inspector  and
                  Managing  Director  for  Africa  at  the
                  European External Action Service (EEAS)
                  on 9 February 2021 and 25 February 2021
                  and  discussed  development  cooperation
                  issues that are of mutual interest to both
                  SADC and the EU, including issues on peace
                  and security, political dialogue and post-
                  2020 programming of regional cooperation,
                  and broadly to ascertain how the existing
                  development cooperation can be enhanced
                  for a more impactful partnership.
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