Page 96 - 41st Summit Brochure
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                           SADC  CONTINUES to  enjoy  cordial     RECs  in  the  areas  of  trade,  customs  and
                           relations with its sister Regional Economic  infrastructure  development,  and
                           Communities (RECs) in promoting African  industrialisation.
                           Integration  and  with  its  International  During  its  tenure,  the  SADC  Secretariat
                           Cooperation Partners which have supported  provided  leadership  in  coordinating  the
                           the  region  in  various  areas  aimed  at  implementation  of  the  Tripartite  Work
                           promoting sustainable development as well as  Programme and facilitating relevant Tripartite
                           consolidating peace and security in southern  Council and Sector Ministerial meetings.
                           Africa.                                        In  addition  to  the  approval  of
                                                                  Harmonised Tripartite Guidelines on Trade
                           African Union                          and Transport Facilitation; and Guidelines for
                           The  SADC  Secretariat  has  continued  to  Safe, Efficient and Cost-Effective Movement
                           engage with the African Union Commission  of Goods and Services during the COVID-19
                           (AUC) in promoting continental integration  pandemic; other milestones attained during
                           in line with the Treaty establishing the African  SADC’s tenure as Chair of the Tripartite Task
                           Economic   Community    (AEC).   The   Force include the following:
       94                  Secretariat  participated  in  several  AU  •  Draft Tripartite Agreement on
                                                                      Movement of Business Persons;
                           engagements including the preparation of the
                           2020  Status  of  Integration  Report  which  •  Draft Annex I on Elimination of Import
                           recognizes the many achievements made in   Duties to the Agreement Establishing a
                           advancing  African   integration  and      TFTA Agreement;
                           acknowledges the various initiatives geared  •  Draft Annex II on Trade Remedies to
                           towards  supporting  regional  integration,  TFTA Agreement;
                           including  implementation  of  Continental  •  Draft Annex IV on Rules of Origin to
                           priority projects as identified in Agenda 2063  the TFTA Agreement, and Draft Annex
                           and the African Continental Free Trade Area  X on Dispute Settlement Mechanism to
                           (AfCFTA). The Secretariat continued to work  the TFTA Agreement;
                           closely  with  the  AUC  in  finalizing  the  •  Vehicle Load Management Agreement;
                           proposals on division of labour between the  •  Multilateral Cross Border Road
                           AU, RECs, and Regional Mechanisms (RMs).   Transport Agreement;
                                                                    •  Vehicle Load Management Model Law;
                           SADC – COMESA – EAC Tripartite           •  Cross Border Road Transport Model
                           Agenda                                     Law;
                           The SADC Secretariat was privileged to chair  •  Road Traffic Model Law;
                           the  Tripartite  Task  Force  (TTF)  of  the  •  Road Traffic and Transport
                           Common Market for Eastern and Southern     Transgressions Model Law; and
                           Africa (COMESA), East African Community  •  Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road
                           (EAC) and SADC beginning April 2020 for a  Model Law.
                           period of one year. SADC took the rotating         These Legal instruments will be presented
                           chair from COMESA and handed it to the  to  the  Tripartite  Council  during  its  next
                           EAC Secretariat in June 2021.          meetings,  and  are  expected  to  facilitate
                                  The  main  objective  of  the  COMESA-  effective operationalisation of the TFTA.
                           EAC-SADC Tripartite is to strengthen and
                           deepen economic integration in southern and  SADC-EU Cooperation
                           eastern Africa through joint planning, design,  The  European  Union  (EU)  has  provided
                           coordination, and implementation of joint  support  under  the  ongoing  10th  and  11th
                           policies  and  programmes  across  the  three  European Development Fund (EDF) whose
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