Page 95 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 95

Tropical  Cyclone  Idai  and  Tropical  Storm  disasters; and Standard Operating
                  Chalane. Tropical Cyclone Eloise disrupted the  Procedures for the SADC Emergency
                  recovery efforts from the previous storms and  and Humanitarian Operations Centre
                  left more than 260,000 people in urgent need  (SHOC) to be based in Nacala,
                  of humanitarian assistance.                  Mozambique to coordinate regional
                         The  floods  resulting  from  the  Cyclone  activities in supporting Member States
                  damaged schools and health centres, as well as  affected by disasters.  The SHOC will
                  property  and  also  affected  large  areas  of  coordinate regional efforts, including the
                  agricultural land, with implications for food  deployment of regional support teams.
                  security.  These  storms  also  affected  other  •  A Disaster Information Management
                  inland countries that experienced torrential  System (DRR-IMS) and its operating
                  rains  and  flooding,  including  Botswana,  procedures and manuals. The System will
                  Eswatini, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.   facilitate the archiving and exchange of
                         Due to the high rainfall received around  DRR information among Member States
                  Central and East Africa in December 2020 and  and other regional stakeholders. During
                  January  2021,  floods  affected  the  Lake  the roll out of the IMS, the Secretariat
                  Tanganyika region that led to the overflow of  conducted training of Member States’
                  Lake Tanganyika and floods around the lake.  officials in the use and update of the
                  The floods caused the loss of human lives and  system.
                  animals, destruction of crops, and significant        The  Secretariat  has  also  developed  the
                  damage to infrastructure such as roads, which  following:
                  had  a  serious  impact  on  the  movement  of  •  Programme and guidelines for the
                  people from rural areas to urban centres to  Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Peer
                  obtain basic needs in DRC and Tanzania, and  Review that will enable Member States to
                  other countries in the region.               share best practice;
                                                            •  Training modules and simulation
                  Regional Response                            guidelines to facilitate the training of
                  In response to these recurrent disasters, and in  Member States in Disaster Risk
                  line with the decision of the SADC Council of  Management;                                  93
                  Ministers meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in  •  Roadmap for the transit of Humanitarian
                  August  2019  mandating  the  Secretariat  to  Resources to facilitate the smooth and
                  expeditiously finalize the operationalization of the  timely cross-border movement of
                  SADC  Disaster  Preparedness  and  Response  humanitarian goods during disasters;
                  Mechanism by August 2020, the Secretariat has  and
                  developed a number of regional instruments as  •  A set of six guidelines for including a
                  part  of  the  Preparedness  Mechanism.  These  generic DRR mainstreaming guideline,
                  regional instruments are intended to facilitate the  and guidelines for Mainstreaming
                  coordinated regional approaches to preparedness,  Disaster Risk Management in the
                  response  and  recovery  from  disasters  in  the  Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
                  region. These instruments include:           Sector, Education, Gender, Infrastructure
                   •  A Concept and Governance Structure for   (covering Water, Energy and Transport
                      the Disaster Preparedness and Response   Infrastructure), and Water, Sanitation
                      Fund, including its Resource             and Health to facilitate mainstreaming of
                      Mobilisation Strategy and a Sustainability  DRR across the various development
                      Plan. The Fund will help to support      sectors.
                      Member States affected by disasters. This        It is expected that the full implementation
                      includes a Sustainability Plan and a  of these instruments will facilitate an effective
                      Resource Mobilisation Strategy for the  and well-coordinated disaster preparedness,
                      Fund. It is expected that the fund will  response and recovery across the SADC region.
                      strengthen the response efforts of
                      Member States in supporting the
                      communities that are impacted by
                   •  A Contingency Plan and Standard
                      Operating Procedures to facilitate the
                      involvement of the SADC Standby Force
                      and Emergency Response Teams in
                      helping Member States impacted by
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