Page 94 - 41st Summit Brochure
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in  identification  of  GBV  indicators  to  be  LOOKING AHEAD
                            amended and recommendations on additional
                            indicators.  In  addition,  Member  States  The  Gender  Unit  plans  to  prioritize  the
                            identified  strategic  GBV  indicators  to  be  following actions in the year 2021/2022, in line
                            reported on an annual basis in order to update  with the RISDP 2020-2030:
                            SADC leadership on the status of GBV and to  v Strengthen gender mainstreaming efforts
                            inform regional advocacy against GBV. The  through capacity building on the Gender
                            proposed annual indicators are to be presented  Equality Seal (GES) as a tool for gender
                            to the Gender Ministers Meeting in June 2021  mainstreaming assessment within SADC
                            for endorsement.                          institutions and structures, and through
                                                                      support to Member States in the
                            Engaging Member States on effective       development of national women, peace
                            response to GBV during COVID-19           and security plans;
                            The SADC Secretariat engaged with the 16  v Conduct research on the status of women
                            Member States through a virtual workshop  in politics and decision-making positions
                            to provide guidance on effective response to  in the SADC region;
                            GBV,  particularly  during  the  COVID-19  v Implement the Project on Industrialization
                            pandemic.  In  addition,  Botswana  was   and Women Economic Empowerment;
                            supported  to  conduct  a  national  level  v Strengthen reporting on GBV by Member
                            workshop on the Role of Law Enforcement   States;
                            in addressing GBV during COVID-19. The  v Engage regional GBV partners to ensure
                            workshop  brought together GBV  focal     alignment of regional support actions on
                            persons from all Police districts in Botswana  GBV with the SADC Strategy and
                            and  other  supporting  actors  such  as  civil  Framework of Action for Addressing GBV;
                            society organisations, Social Services sector,  v Support development of the SADC GBV
                            and the Gender department, to evaluate the  Model Law, in collaboration with the
                            Police response to GBV during COVID-19    SADC Parliamentary Forum.
                            and identify key actions towards improving
       92                   the  Police  response  and  strengthening
                            coordination  among  stakeholders  in
                            Botswana.                              DISASTER RISK REDUCTION

                            Promoting  implementation  of  the  SADC
                            Regional Strategy for addressing GBV   Disasters such as drought, tropical cyclones,
                            The  Strategy  was  disseminated  through  torrential rain, flooding and wildfires struck
                            regional  meetings  as  well  as  social  media  the region during the period of the ongoing
                            platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. The  COVID-19 pandemic, leading to further loss
                            SADC commitment to addressing GBV was  of  lives,  disruption  of  services,  and
                            further reflected through the commemoration  destruction of infrastructure, and depriving
                            of the 16 Days of Activism against the GBV  the region of opportunities to fully recover
                            Campaign during which the SADC Secretariat  while building the needed resilience against
                            Executive Secretary, Dr Stergomena Lawrence  vulnerabilities.
                            Tax  presented  a  regional  statement        Tropical Storm Chalane made landfall on
                            highlighting the GBV response priorities for  30  December  2020  in  north-eastern
                            SADC.                                  Madagascar,  bringing  thunderstorms  and
                                                                   torrential rains. The Storm gained strength in
                                                                   the  Mozambique  Channel  and  made  a
                            CHALLENGES                             landfall later in Sofala province in central
                                                                   Mozambique,  resulting  in  widespread
                            v National initiatives by Member States  destruction and loss of lives. The Cyclone
                              that required physical engagement with  dissipated  over  Zimbabwe  resulting  in
                              stakeholders and Parliamentarians were  numerous  storms  that  affected  the  region
                              postponed due to COVID-19.           with significant impacts.
                            v Failure to effectively support             Tropical Cyclone Eloise made a landfall
                              stakeholders in gender mainstreaming  on 23 January 2021 south of Beira city, in
                              owing to the delay in recruitment of the  Sofala province of Mozambique. The storm
                              Gender Mainstreaming Program Officer.  affected areas that were still recovering from
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