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SADC Sectoral Responsibilities  1996                                      Figure 3.1

                                                     Angola        Energy

                                                                Agricultural Research
                                                                Livestock Production
                                                                Animal Disease Control
                                                    of Congo
                                                                 Environment and
                                                                 Inland Fisheries
                                                     Malawi        Forestry
                                                    Mauritius      Tourism

                       Council  Sectorial  Sector               Culture, Information
                                                                   and Sport
                        of     Commitees  Coordinating  Mozambique
                                                                  Transport and
                      Ministers  of Ministers  Units             Communications
                                                                  Legal Sector
                                                                 Marine Fisheries
                                                                  and Resources
                                                                  Finance and
                                                    South Africa  Investment
                                                    Eswathini    Human Resources
                                                    Tanzania     Industry and Trade
                                                                 Employment and
                                                     Zambia        Labour
                                                                  Crop Sector
                                                                Food, Agriculture and
                                                                 Natural Resources
                                                 *Sectors still to be allocated.
                  Source  SADC, Major Achievements and Challenges 1980­2005; SADC Today, Vol 1 No1 February 1997

                  signed to coordinate. Each sector had an official  Annual Conference with Development Agencies  Box 3.1
                  assigned to act as the Contact Point for coordina-
                  tion with the Secretariat.                 The first Annual Consultative Conference with development agencies
                          Sectoral  responsibilities  evolved  in  this  after the International Donors Conference held in Mozambique in 1980
                  way through 1996, after Namibia and South  was hosted by Malawi in 1981, attended by the representatives of 20
                  Africa had joined SADC in 1990 and 1994 re-  governments and 12 development agencies, further consolidating
                  spectively, and Mauritius in 1995, as shown in  SADCC’s  relations  with  international  cooperating  partners  and
                  Figure 3.1.  These were subject to minor ad-  accelerating implementation of SADCC programmes.  This was in
                  justments post-1996 as for example, food secur-  response to the 1980 Lusaka Declaration which called for “concerted
                  ity was considered to cut across several sectors,  action to secure international cooperation within the framework of
                  but these responsibilities essentially remained  our strategy for economic liberation.”  SADCC participation was at
                  for another five years until the creation of a  ministerial level while representatives of the international partners
                  more centralized structure.                were drawn from governments and organisations that supported the
                          Together with the sector Commissions, the  SADCC  Programme  of  Action  in  various  thematic  areas.  These
                  SCUs were in operation until the institutional re-  conferences became a regular focus of annual institutional planning,
                  forms embarked on by SADC in 2001.         and each meeting focused on a different thematic area.
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