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3.2.5  Sectoral and Cluster Ministerial Committees
                                The Sectoral and Cluster Ministerial Committees consist of ministers from SADC
                                Member States. These committees are directly responsible for overseeing the activities
                                of the core areas of integration which include: Trade, Industry, Finance and Invest-
                                ment; Infrastructure, Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment; Social
                                and Human Development and Special Programmes (HIV and AIDS; Education, La-
                                bour; Employment and Gender; Politics, Defence and Security; Legal Affairs and Judi-
                                cial Matters and Regional Economic Integration. The committees monitor and control
                                the implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan in their
                                areas of competence and provide advice to the Council of Ministers.

                                3.2.6  SADC National Committees
                                The SADC National Committees were established to provide input at national level in the
                                formulation of regional policies and strategies, as well as to coordinate and oversee the
                                implementation of programmes at national level. The committees are also responsible for
                                the initiation of SADC projects and issue papers as an input into the preparation of re-
                                gional strategies.
                                         The committees comprise key stakeholders from government, private sector and civil
                                society in each Member State and a provision for their establishment is reflected in the
                                SADC Treaty.
                                         One such committee is the SADC Committee of Ambassadors/High Commis-
                                sioners. The Committee of Ambassadors/High Commissioners was established by the
        88                      Council of Ministers in February 2005.
                                         National Contact Points (NCPs) in each Member State are another key feature of
                                the SADC national structures. The NCPs are responsible for coordinating national pro-
                                grammes, projects and activities intended to advance the ideals of the SADC regional in-
                                tegration agenda at national level.
                                         SADC National Media Coordinators (NMCs) have responsibility to facilitate the cir-
                                culation of information and ensure that the SADC Work Programme is known and under-
                                stood through provision of public information in Member States.

                                3.2.7  SADC Secretariat
                                According to Article 14 of the SADC Treaty, the SADC Secretariat is the principal executive
                                institution of SADC and, among other key functions, the Secretariat is responsible for:
                                   •   strategic planning and management of SADC programmes;
                                   •   implementation of the decisions of the Summit and Council;
                                   •   coordination and harmonisation of policies and strategies;
                                   •   management of special programmes and projects;
                                   •   monitoring and evaluation;
                                   •   resource mobilisation; and
                                   •   research.
                                           The Secretariat reports to the Council of Ministers and is headed by the Executive
                                Secretary who is assisted by one or more Deputy Executive Secretaries as the Summit may
                                decide from time to time.
                                           The Executive Secretary is responsible for consulting and coordinating with gov-
                                ernments and other institutions of Member States; undertaking measures aimed at pro-
                                moting the objectives of SADC and enhancing its performance; promoting cooperation
                                with other organisations for the furtherance of the objectives of SADC; and organising
                                and servicing Summit, Council, Standing Committee and other meetings convened on
                                the direction of the Summit or the Council.
                                           Currently the Executive Secretary is assisted by the Deputy Executive Secretary for
                                Regional Integration (DES-RI) and the Deputy Executive Secretary for Corporate Affairs
                                           Table 3.3 provides an overview of the organisational structure within the Secretariat
                                and oversight responsibilities.
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