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SADC Legal Instruments        2019

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force

                     Protocol on Industry  Improve the policy environment for industrial development and  18.08.19  Not yet in
                                       support implementation in the SADC region                force
                     Protocol on Inter- State  Allow for the transfer of sentenced offenders to serve their  18.08.19  Not yet in
                     Transfer of Sentenced  sentences in their home countries                   force
                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments        2020

                                       Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force

                                       Three pillars for industrial development and market integration,  17.08.20  17.08.20
                                       infrastructure development in support of regional integration, and
                                       social and human development, based on a firm foundation of
                                       peace, security and democratic governance and operationalized by
                                       the RISDP 2020-2030
                                       Summit approved an Agreement between the Governments of SADC  17.08.20  17.08.20
                                       Member States regarding the Status of SADC Standby Force and its
                                       Components deployed within the Region for Purposes of Training,
                                       Peace Support Operations, Exercises and Humanitarian Assistance
                                       Amends the SADC Protocol on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition  17.08.20  17.08.20
                                       and Other Related Materials adopted in 2001 and entered into force
                                       in 2004

                                       Summit approved the development of a New Protocol on  17.08.20  17.08.20
                                       Employment and Labour, and to this effect, approved withdrawal of
                                       the existing Protocol on Employment and Labour

                   Source SADC Summit Communiqués 1980-2020 and other documents
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