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2002  SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Declaration Against  An undertaking by Member States to take steps to combat terrorism  14.01.02  14.01.02
                  Terrorism         in the region and globally
                  MOU on Macroeconomic  An undertaking by Member States to converge on stability-  08.08.02  08.08.02
                  Convergence       orientated economic policies implemented through a sound
                                    institutional structure and framework
                  MOU on Cooperation in  Defines the steps to be taken to cooperate in taxation matters and to  08.08.02  08.08.02
                  Tax Related Matters  harmonise tax regimes in Member States
                  Protocol on Extradition  Enable Member States to cooperate in the extradition of offenders  03.10.02  09.01.06
                                    wanted for crimes committed in other jurisdictions
                  Protocol on Mutual Legal  Promotes cooperation among Member States in cases where  03.10.02  17.07.09
                  Assistance in Criminal  countries may require legal assistance in criminal matters
                  Protocol on Forestry  Promotes the development, conservation, sustainable management  03.10.02  03.01.07
                                    and utilisation of all types of forests and trees; trade in forest
                                    products and seeks to achieve effective protection of the
                                    environment, and safeguard the interests of both the present and
                                    future generations


        2003   SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Maseru Declaration on  An undertaking by Member States   to implement measures to fight  04.07.03  04.07.03
                  the Fight against HIV and  HIV and AIDS, and to cooperate in containing the spread of the
                  AIDS in the SADC Region  disease
                  Mutual Defence Pact  Seeks to promote peace, security, stability and wellbeing among the  26.08.03  17.08.08
                                    people of the SADC region; and facilitates close cooperation in
                                    matters of defence and security for the benefit of the people of the
                                    SADC region
                  Charter on Fundamental  Calls for creation of a conducive environment to facilitate closer and  26.08.03  26.08.03
                  Social Rights in SADC  active consultations among social partners and in a spirit conducive
                                    to harmonious labour relations

        2004   SADC Legal Instruments

                   Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                   signature  into force
                   Dar es Salaam     A commitment by SADC Member States to take steps to improve  15.05.04  15.05.04
                   Declaration on    agricultural productivity and food security in the SADC region
                   Agriculture and Food
                   Security in the SADC
                   SADC Principles and  The Principles and Guidelines were adopted by Summit in 2004 to  17.08.04  17.08.04
                   Guidelines Governing  strengthen the electoral process in the region and ensure the
                   Democratic Elections   acceptance of results by contesting parties, with provision for a SADC
                                     Elections Advisory Council and SADC Electoral Observation Missions
                                     Revised in 2015
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