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SADC Legal Instruments        2005

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol on the   Facilitate entry into Member States without the need for visas for  18.08.05  Not yet in
                     Facilitation of Movement  bona fide visits, permanent and temporary residence, and  force
                     of Persons in SADC  establishment of oneself and working in the territory of another
                                       Member State
                     SADC Electoral Advisory  SEAC established with the role of advisor to SADC structures and to  18.08.05  18.08.05
                     Council           Electoral Commission of Member States.

                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments        2006

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Revised Inter-    A revision of the 1995 IGMOU establishing SAPP, the agreement was  23.02.06  23.02.06
                     Governmental MOU on  signed by SADC Ministers responsible for Energy to bring in new
                     Southern African Power  players and create an enabling environment for investment in the
                     Pool              sector
                     Windhoek Declaration on  Contributes to the attainment of the SADC Common Agenda through  27.04.06  27.04.06
                     a New Partnership  a more effective partnership with better coordination and alignment
                     between SADC and the  of procedures, and regular, institutionalised dialogue including
                     International     exchange of experiences and effective practices                        155
                     Cooperating Partners
                     Protocol on Finance and  Advances harmonisation of financial and investment policies of  18.08.06  16.04.10
                     Investment        Member States for consistency with the objectives of SADC and to
                                       ensure that changes to these policies in one country do not cause
                                       undesirable adjustments in other Member States
                     MOU concerning the  The MOU seeks to establish and develop a Transfrontier  07.12.06  07.12.06
                     Establishment of the  Conservation Area which will be called the Kavango-Zambezi
                     Kavango-Zambezi   Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA)
                     Conservation Area

                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments       2007

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force

                     MOU amongst the   The MOU is an undertaking by Member States to cooperate in  17.08.07  17.08.07
                     Member States of the  financing the construction of the SADC headquarters in Botswana.
                     SADC on the New   The host country was tasked with underwriting the SADC
                     Headquarters of SADC  contribution towards a Public Private Partnership used for the
                                       construction project
                     MOU amongst SADC  The MOU provides a legal basis to establish a SADC Standby Brigade  17.08.07  17.08.07
                     Member States on the  consisting of military, police and civilian components.
                     Establishment of a SADC
                     Standby Brigade
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