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2016      SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                    Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                 signature  into force

                  Agreement Amending the  The Committee of State Parties established to oversee  31.08.16  31.08.16
                  SADC Protocol Against  implementation of this Protocol, known as the SADC Anti-Corruption
                  Corruption        Committee, reports to the Ministerial Committee of the Organ
                  Agreement Amending the  Establishes Anti-Corruption Committee under the Inter-State  31.08.16  31.08.16
                  SADC Protocol on Politics,  Defence and Security Committee to oversee the implementation of
                  Defence and Security  the Protocol Against Corruption
                  Agreement Amending  Annex 1 Cooperation on Investment          31.08.16  31.08.16
                  Annex 1 to the SADC
                  Protocol on Finance and
                  Annex on Cooperation on  Annex 13 (Cooperation on Financial Matters) to the Protocol on  31.08.16  31.08.16
                  Financial Matters   Finance and Investment relates to financial markets development in
                                    Member States and the Region as a whole
                  Agreement Amending  Member States who may be or have been adversely affected by  31.08.16  31.08.16
                  Article 3(1)9c of the SADC  removal of tariffs to trade may apply for a grace period to allow
                  Trade Protocol    more time

                  Agreement on the  An undertaking by Member States to take steps to ensure that the  31.08.16  One month after
                  Operationalisation of the  proposed SADC Regional Development Fund is operational. Still to be  ratification by
                  SADC Regional     ratified and some Member States have not yet signed the Agreement.   two-thirds
       158        Development Fund                                                         Member States
                  Agreement Amending  Alignment in accordance with the UN SDGs and other commitments  31.08.16  18.08.18
                  SADC Protocol on Gender  on gender equality and equity made at regional, continental and
                  and Development   international levels. Entry into force on adoption by ¾ of Member
                                    States that are party to the Protocol .

       2017     SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Protocol for the Protection  Provides for the establishment of an effective system of plant variety  20.08.17  Not yet in
                  of New Varieties of Plants  protection, promotion of the development of new varieties of plants  force
                  in the SADC Region  for the benefit of the region, and protection of breeders’ rights

      2018      SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Declaration on Eliminating  An undertaking to place regional malaria elimination firmly on the  18.08.18  18.08.18
                  Malaria in the SADC Region  agenda of all SADC Member States
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