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SADC Legal Instruments 2012

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol on Trade in  Progressively liberalise intra-regional trade in services on the basis  18.08.12  Not yet in
                     Services          of equity, balance and mutual benefit                    force

                     Agreement on Assistance  An undertaking by Member States to cooperate in the administration  18.08.12  18.08.12
                     in Tax Matters    of tax matters
                     Declaration on TB in the  An undertaking by Member States to cooperate in the eradication of  18.08.12  18.08.12
                     Mining Sector     Tuberculosis in the SADC mining sector
                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments       2014

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol on Environmental  Promote equitable and sustainable utilisation of natural and cultural  18.08.14  Not yet in
                     Management for    resources and the protection of the environment for the benefit of  force
                     Sustainable Development  present and future generations

                     Protocol on Employment  Strengthen collaboration among Member States and promote  18.08.14  Not yet in
                     and Labour        common approaches to labour market challenges for sustainable  force
                     Declaration on Regional  Commitment to increase efforts, promote cooperation and identify  18.08.14  18.08.14
                     Infrastructure    joint initiatives for implementation of the Regional Infrastructure    157
                     Development       Development Master Plan

                     Declaration in support of  Adopted ahead of the Third Conference of Small Island Developing  18.08.14  18.08.14
                     Small Island Developing  States (SIDS) to be held in Samoa in September 2014
                                                                                      SADC Legal Instruments       2015

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force

                     SADC Industrialisation  Anchored on three pillars of Industrialisation, Competitiveness and  29.04.15  29.04.15
                     Strategy and Roadmap  Regional Integration, premised on a three-phase period covering 2015-
                                       2063, and Agenda 2063, and the critical importance of infrastructure
                     Tripartite Free Trade Area  Creates a Tripartite Free Trade Area of COMESA-EAC-SADC. Signed by  10.06.15  Not yet in
                     Agreement and Political  most members of the three Regional Economic  Communities (RECs)  force
                     Declaration       and enters into force after ratification by 14 members.

                     SADC Principles and  Revised after broad consultations by SEAC to enhance the guidelines  20.07.15  20.07.15
                     Guidelines Governing  adopted by Summit in 2004, including the role of SEAC and
                     Democratic Elections   deployment of SEOMs, and approved by the Ministerial Committee of
                     (Revised 2015)    the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation
                     Approval to Establish a  A SADC Contingency Fund established for use in the deployment of  15.08.15  15.08.15
                     SADC Contingency Fund  special support missions

                     SADC Regional Counter  Promote a common approach in the fight against terrorism  18.08.15  18.08.15
                     Terrorism Strategy  collectively, including sharing of information on suspected terrorists;
                                       enacting and reviewing national legislation on preventing and
                                       combatting terrorism
                     SADC Administrative  Advisory interpretation of the SADC Treaty and protocols adopted by  18.08.15  18.08.15
                     Tribunal (SADCAT)  SADC Member States

                     Declaration on Youth  An undertaking by Member States to empower the youth as future  18.08.15  18.08.15
                     Development and   leaders of the region
                     Empowerment in SADC
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