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2008   SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Declaration on Poverty  Declaration committed Member States to strengthening efforts to  20.04.08  20.04.08
                  Eradication and   eradicate poverty by adopting strategies to achieve food security,
                  Sustainable       mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, achieve higher
                  Development       economic growth, increase power generation and transmission, and
                                    accelerate development, rehabilitation and maintenance of

                  Protocol on Gender and  Provides for the empowerment of women, elimination of  17.08.08  22.02.13
                  Development       discrimination and achievement of gender equality and equity
                                    through the development and implementation of gender-responsive
                                    legislation, policies, programmes and projects
                  Protocol on Science,  Fosters cooperation and promotes the development, transfer and  17.08.08  Not yet in
                  Technology and    mastery of science, technology and innovation in Member States  force

       2009   SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  MOU on Regional   The MOU underpins the legal and institutional framework for the  08.09.09  08.09.09
                  Cooperation and   Tripartite process involving the Common Market for Eastern and
       156        Integration among  Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and SADC
                  the COMESA, the EAC  and
                  the SADC
                  Declaration on Regional  An undertaking by Member States to cooperate on the development  08.09.09  08.09.09
                  Cooperation in    and implementation of competition and consumer protection laws
                  Competition and
                  Consumer Laws and

        2010  SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force
                  Charter establishing the  CCARDESA established to strengthen cooperation and efficiency in  05.11.2010  05.11.2010
                  Centre for Coordination of  managing scientific research and training to alleviate common
                  Agricultural Research and  problems

        2011    SADC Legal Instruments

                  Instrument        Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                  signature  into force

                  Treaty on the     The Treaty formally and legally establishes the Kavango-Zambezi  18.08.11  Ratified
                  Establishment of the  Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA), and enters into force
                  Kavango-Zambezi   after ratification by any three Partner States
                  Transfrontier Conservation
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