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Protocols and other Legal Instruments
                                Summit approved the establishment of the SADC Administrative Tribunal (SADCAT),
                                and the Declaration on Youth Development and Empowerment in SADC. A related policy
                                framework for SADC Youth Employment Promotion was developed during the year, aimed
                                at addressing youth unemployment and promoting entrepreneurship.
                                SADC Regional Counter Terrorism Strategy
                                The 35 Summit approved a comprehensive Regional Counter Terrorism Strategy for a
                                coordinated approach in preventing and combating international and domestic terrorism,
                                to  build  capacity  to  address  terrorism  as  a  trans-boundary  issue  and  to  strengthen
                                cooperation as stipulated in the SADC Declaration on Terrorism (2001). This includes
                                enacting or reviewing national legislation on prevention and combatting terrorism, and
                                sharing information on suspected terrorists.

                                Food and Nutrition Security
                                A review of the regional food security situation showed a decline in overall cereal
                                production  and  availability,  largely  due  to  unfavourable  weather  conditions  with
                                prolonged dry spells, floods and cyclones. As a result, the Region will require food and
                                other humanitarian assistance during the 2015/2016 marketing year. Member States
                                were urged to continue implementing the Regional Agriculture Policy and relevant
                                protocols to improve agricultural production and food security. SADC has put in place
                                measures to reduce the El Niño weather impact in the region, as agreed at the SADC
        68                      Consultative Meeting on Preparedness and Response to the Impact of the 2015/16 El
                                Nino  on  Agriculture  and  Food  and  Nutrition  Security,  held  in  February  in
                                Johannesburg, South Africa.

                                Women Empowerment and Gender Equality
                                The SADC Protocol on Gender and Development was reviewed during the year in line
                                with the UN SDGs, the AU Agenda 2063 and the Beijing+20 review report. The Regional
                                Multi-Dimensional Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme was developed to
                                increase access by women to productive resources and finance.

                                Chagos Islands
                                The Summit endorsed international calls for the United Kingdom to expeditiously end its
                                unlawful occupation of the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia, with a view to
                                enabling Mauritius to exercise its sovereignty over the archipelago without which the full
                                decolonisation of Africa is not complete.
                  2016-2017     The 36 SADC Summit was held in the Kingdom of Eswatini on 30-31
                                August 2016, hosted and chaired by His Majesty King Mswati III. The
                                Summit  was  held  under  the  theme  of  Resource  Mobilisation  for
                                Investment in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure for an Inclusive
                                SADC Industrialisation and for the Prosperity of the Region.

                                SADC University of Transformation
                                The 36th Summit endorsed plans by King Mswati III to establish and host the SADC
                                University of Transformation to improve industrial productivity through innovation and
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