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●    overseeing the functioning and development of SADC;
                                ●    overseeing the implementation of policies of SADC and proper execution of its
                                ●    advising the Summit on matters of overall policy, and effective and harmonious
                                   functioning and development of SADC;
                                ●    approving the policies, strategies and work programmes of SADC;
                                ●    directing,  coordinating  and  supervising  the  operations  of  SADC  institutions
                                   subordinate to it.

                                3.1.3  Commissions
                                To ensure the effectiveness of the institutional arrangements, it was agreed to establish
                                commissions whose role would be to guide and coordinate cooperation and integration
                                policies and programmes in designated sectoral areas.  They worked closely  with  the  Sec-
                                retariat,  but  were responsible to and reported to the Council of Ministers. They were
                                jointly funded by Member States on an equal basis. The Sectoral Commissions established
                                are shown in Table 3.1.

                  SADCC Sectoral Commissions                                                    Table 3.1

                      Commission         Role of Commission           Country Coordination
                      Energy Commission  To coordinate cooperation on the  Angola
                                         regional energy programme
                      Southern African   Ensure close coordination among  Mozambique
                      Transport and      Member States in running the
                      Communication      transport and communication
                      Commission         systems in the region
                      Source SADC

                                3.1.4  Standing Committee of Officials
                                The Standing Committee of Officials consists of one Permanent Secretary or an official
                                of equivalent rank from each SADC Member State. The main function of the Senior Of-
                                ficials is to act as a technical advisory committee to the Council of Ministers.

                                3.1.5  Secretariat
                                Summit approved the establishment of a Secretariat to ensure planning and continuity in
                                SADCC deliberations. The Secretariat would be based in Botswana and headed by an
                                Executive Secretary. This structure was operational from 1 July 1982.
     Sector Coordination Responsibilities    Table 3.2  3.1.6  Sector Coordination Units
     for Member States 1981                             SADCC leaders agreed in 1981 to allocate the coordination
                                                        of specific sectors to Member States, as shown in Table 3.2.
                                                        The rationale behind this institutional arrangement was to
       Country       Sector                             promote  a  sense  of  ownership  and  to  directly  involve
                                                        Member States in initiating and implementing programmes
       Angola        Energy                             and activities of the regional organisation. New Member
       Botswana      Animal Diseases and Agricultural Research
       Eswatini      Manpower Development               States would be assigned coordination responsibilities as they
       Lesotho       Land Utilization and Soil Conservation  joined SADCC.
       Malawi        Fisheries and Wildlife                  SADCC Member States established Sector Coordina-
       Mozambique    Transport                          tion Units (SCUs) in the respective government ministries
       Tanzania      Industry and Trade
       Zambia        Mining                             responsible for the particular sector that the country was as-
       Zimbabwe      Agriculture and Food Security
       Source SADC
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