Page 41 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 41


                              The Republic of Mozambique gained indepen-          Accordingly, to leverage the efforts to-
                              dence on 25 June 1975, and since then, the  wards  national  policies  and  strategies,  the
                              country has experienced significant economic  Government has listed areas of focus and in-
                              growth.                               tervention directly aligned with the strategic
                                      In the SADC region, Mozambique is cited  options, mainly Agriculture, Infrastructure,
                              as the second largest recipient of foreign and  Tourism and Industry.
                              domestic direct investment thanks to its geo-
                              graphical location and economic potential, as  I. AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-PROCESSING
                              well as a niche of investment and business de-  In the areas of agriculture and agro-processing,
                              velopment opportunities in the priority sectors  the focus is on structural transformation and
                              for  development,  including  Agriculture,  modernization, expanding the existing poten-
                              Tourism, Infrastructure, Manufacturing In-  tial in production and productivity of the main
                              dustry, Energy and Mineral Resources.  strategic crops and processing, and ensuring
                                      Mozambique's  GDP  was  expected  to  that national production can be commercial-
                              grow by 5.8% in 2020. However, due to the im-  ized in the national market and exported to the
                              pact of COVID-19, that figure was revised  Southern African region, the African conti-
                              downward to 2.2%, rising to 4.0% in 2021.   nent and the world.
                                      With the discovery of gas offshore esti-          The structural opportunities existing in
                              mated at 180 trillion cubic feet, the country has  this  area  include,  among  many  others,  the
                              the opportunity to diversify its economy, thus  Messalo and Luenha Hydro-Agricultural de-
                              improving its resilience and competitiveness.  velopment, which can re-purpose and expand
                              In broad terms, the gas sector may help to up-  the irrigation systems through the construc-
                              grade the subsistence agriculture to agribusi-  tion of dams, thus increasing the production
                              ness,  buttress  the  electrification  of  of cereals and vegetables to supply the North-
                              Mozambique  through  various  energy  solu-  ern and Central regions, placing emphasis on
                              tions, and promote other industries, such as  the potential of the Zambezi Valley, for the en-
                              fertilizers, fuels and metal-mechanical compo-  tire Central region, besides Nampula, where
                              nents.  The  country  could  also  improve  its  such lucrative products as macadamia, cashew
      38                      macroeconomic  stability,  with  higher  rev-  nuts, tea, copra, various tropical fruits and soy-
                              enues, thus contributing to tax revenue sur-  beans find natural conditions, also favourable
                              pluses and a sovereign wealth fund to cushion  to fishing and aquaculture.
                              external shocks.                              The private sector is invited to invest in
                                                                    agro-processing, storage and logistics that sup-
                                                                    port farming, adding value and penetrating
                              INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN           high-value market sectors of the domestic and
                              MOZAMBIQUE                            foreign markets.
                              Mozambique is endowed with extensive and
                              rich natural resources, its geo-strategic loca-  II. INFRASTRUCTURE
                              tion is favourable for developing any type of  In the infrastructure sector, the plan is to mo-
                              economic activity and business due to its ac-  bilize resources and ensure that the building of
                              cess to the sea and the roads and railways to  quality and resilient infrastructure enhances
                              various countries of the region, especially to  economic activity, thus reducing the transac-
                              Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and  tion costs and promoting greater national and
                                      Zimbabwe.                     regional integration.
                                            The country's economy is          Opportunities offered in this sector range
                                       based mainly on agriculture, but  from establishing dams and opportunities in
                                       the industrial sector, particularly  the generation of energy, aimed at diversifying
                                       the manufacturing and extractive  sources  of  energy  under  the  framework  of
                                       industry, is growing rapidly.  Mozambique's energy matrix:
                                            By  2024,  Mozambique   ❖ Hydroelectricity potential;
                                       plans to adopt and consolidate an  ❖ Hydrocarbon reserves;
                                       increasingly diversified and com-  ❖ Coal; and
                                       petitive  economy,  through  the  ❖ Renewable energy sources.
                                       continued prioritisation of invest-          The private sector is encouraged to get in-
                                       ments in sectors with a catalytic  volved and partner with the public sector, in-
                                       and multiplier effect on the econ-  cluding  to  assess  the  possibility  of  energy
                                       omy.                         production for anchor projects, as was the case
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