Page 42 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 42

with  Mozal  (Mozambique  Aluminium).    years, from a deduction of 5% of the total
                  Specifically, the emphasis is placed on the coal  investment realised in effect through col-
                  regions of Moatize, heavy sands of Moma, the  lection of the IRPC, up to the convergence
                  hydrocarbon cluster of Palma in Cabo Del-  of the latter, as regards the activity under-
                  gado, and domestic demands that grow at the  taken under the project, while 10 percent
                  same rate as the population, urbanization, in-  is offered in all other provinces.
                  dustrialization, development of rural areas,
                  hubs of agricultural development and tourism
                  throughout the country.               SPECIFIC REGIMES
                                                        Trade and industry in rural areas
                  III. TOURISM                          More specifically there is exemption from pay-
                  With regard to tourism, the commitment is to  ment of customs duties and VAT on imports of
                  facilitate existing potential, promoting leisure,  equipment rated under class "K", as well as other
                  beach,  business  and  historical-cultural  imports that are critical and strictly necessary for
                  tourism, exposing the country as a privileged  the pursuit of the activity. These regimes apply
                  destination for tourism and the promotion of  to such specific areas as trade and industry in
                  sectoral links that stimulate greater demand  rural areas, manufacturing and assembly plants,
                  for goods and services and, subsequently, em-  agriculture  and  fisheries  (which  also  benefit
                  ployment and income.                  from a reduction of 50% in Corporate Income
                           The potential for tourism covers the entire  Tax Code (IRPC) from 2016 until 2025), and ho-
                  country, and it includes several dimensions:   tels and tourism.
                    (i) Coastal and Marine Resources with ex-
                       ceptional tropical waters and beaches of
                       excellent  quality  in  the  South  of  the  In the area of Hotels and Tourism:
                       country;                         • Rapid Development Areas (ZRD) where
                    (ii) Natural Resources based on nature and  investments located in the ZRD benefit, for
                       wildlife in the Central Zone with the  5 fiscal years, from a tax credit of 20% of
                       Gorongosa and Chimanimani Reserves,  the  total  investment  realised,  to  be  de-
                       and in the North of the country, from  ducted upon IRPC collections, up to the
                       the Indian Ocean to Lake Niassa, in-  convergence of the latter; and
                       cluding the Quirimbas Archipelago and  • Special Economic Zones (ZEE), which also
                       Mozambique Island, as well as the Ni-  benefit from exemption from payment of             39
                       assa  National  Reserve,  which  is  the  import duties (including Value Added Tax)
                       country’s largest conservation area;   on construction materials, equipment, acces-
                    (iii) Cultural Resourcesare evident through-  sories, parts and other goods intended for
                       out the country in the unique identity of  the pursuit of the licensed activity in ZEEs
                       the people and culture in the Northern,  and the IVA exemption internal procure-
                       Central and Southern areas, which are  ment transactions.
                       an authentic cultural, linguistic and eth-
                       nic mosaic.
                        Investments in this sector offer opportu-
                  nities for new infrastructure such as passenger  GUARANTEES FOR INVESTMENT IN
                  airports and ports, leveraging economies of  MOZAMBIQUE
                  scale and appeal in a combination of beach  • Legal protection of goods and rights, in-
                  tourism  and  animal  reserves.  Inhambane,  cluding industrial and intellectual property
                  Pemba and Lichinga are the airports that offer  rights;
                  this opportunity.                     • Equal treatment of National Direct Invest-
                                                           ment (NDI) and Foreign Direct Invest-
                                                           ment (FDI);
                  INVESTMENT INCENTIVES IN              • Fair and equitable compensation in case of
                  MOZAMBIQUE                               expropriation  of  assets  and  investment
                  The Investment Law provides the following:  rights authorized and carried out in accor-
                  • General tax and customs holidays through  dance with the law;
                     exemption from payments of customs du-  • Transfer of funds overseas (profits, royal-
                     ties and VAT on capital goods rated under  ties, repayment of loan interest, foreign
                     class "K" of the customs tariffs and relevant  capital invested and re-exportable, etc;)
                     accompanying parts and accessories.  • Arbitration based on international rules
                  • Tax Credit for investments which are made  (ICSID), International Chamber of Com-
                     in the city of Maputo, benefit for five fiscal  merce, etc.
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